Selasa, 24 Mei 2016

Welcome Foster Boy Charlie the Beagle!

The Lovely and Awesome Shane with our newest arrival,
Charlie the Little Beagle.

The Lovely and Awesome Shane, Cuddles the Corgi Mix, Copper the Whopper Beagle, Cody the Little Beagle, Trigger the Dapple Dachshund, Foster Boy Dr. Phil McBeagle, Foster Boy Sammy the Beagle, and I  are pleased to welcome our newest foster member, Charlie the Little Beagle to our pack!

I drove the Awesome Mobile (Shanes Car) to Animal Medical Clinic in Peachtree City, Georgia to pick up this little guy today. He has been in our pack for about four hours. 
The Awesome Mobile parked outside the shack
during a recent snow storm.

Charlie is a senior guy (I am unsure of his exact age). He looks a lot like Cody the Little Beagle. Cody says Charlie is very handsome :) . 

Charlie is recovering from pneumonia. We will have him on antibiotics for a little longer. He seems to feel pretty good and has a great appetite! He has a growth in one of his ears that needs to be taken care of after he recovers completely from the pneumonia.

After he has fully recovered, he will be available for adoption! If you are interested in adding a handsome senior beagle boy to your pack, please contact me for more information on little Charlie!

 Dr. Phil McBeagle in the Dog Training office with
a few of his pack mates in the background ( Cody ,
Copper, and Trigger)
Dr. Phil McBeagle is still available for adoption. His anxiety is much better! He is acting like a typical beagle now :) . He is fully housebroken. His training is coming along very nicely! Copper and I have been working with him. He knows sit, down, stay and leave it. He is beginning to learn the wait command (handy for proper behavior at doorways). He is also getting much better at loose leash walking! Dr. Phil is a very sweet and loyal beagle. He is going to be a very good addition to some lucky persons pack! If you are interested in Dr. Phil, please contact me!

Sammy relaxing in Codys Basket Bed
Sammy is also making great progress! He is still on antibiotics. He is eating very well! We expect him to start gaining back his weight very soon! His anxiety is getting better. He is slowly learning that not all people will hurt him. Copper has sort of become his mentor. Copper follows him around and takes care of him. It is really neat to watch! Trigger is his playmate. They love to run and play together! As soon as he finishes the antibiotics and gets a little more weight on him, we will take him to the veterinarian to be neutered, micro chipped, heart worm tested and get his rabies vaccine. At that point he will be available for immediate adoption. We expect that to take two or three weeks. If you are interested in adding Sammy to your pack, please contact me!

Charley being visited by Sammy. Charley will be spending most
of his time in the crate until he is fully recovered.
Folks, if you are looking for a new addition to your pack, please, please, please consider adoption! There are so many of these little guys and girls who desperately want and need a forever home! We have three beautiful beagles here at the shack that really need love and attention. We love our foster guys/girls but our ultimate goal is to find them a forever home so that we can save the lives of more dogs. This is truly a life or death issue for these dogs. Were it not for volunteers at rescue groups, many of these guys/girls would be killed in shelters. Unfortunately, that is not at all an exaggeration. I wish it were not true..... but it is true.

If you have a little guy or girl with anxiety issues, as is unfortunately very common in rescue/adopted dogs, Copper and I are happy to assist you! Also if you need help getting your little guy or girl to be a polite dog, please contact me! I always tell you: "Polite Dogs = Happy People". Let me help you get happy today!

Till Next Time


William Moore Canine Training

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Successful methods and ideas on training your dog!

It is very common in households around the world to incorporate dogs and other domestic animals into the family home. Puppies, like most baby animals, have mischievous streaks. Read on for some ideas on training your dog.

To have success in dog training, you need to be able to control it with commands. Put yourself in an authoritative position, so that your dog knows to obey you. For example, when you walk your dog you must be in front and you should insist your dog follows behind you.

 Have your dog learn to just hold one of his toys in his mouth, instead of chewing on it immediately. Every time he does it, give him a snack and use the clicker. After your dog succeeds in mouthing an object a few times, move on to rewarding the dog for picking it up with his mouth. When he does respond, click and provide a reward. Also, rewards should only be given if the toy remains in the dogs mouth.

 If your dog has separation anxiety, its important that it learns to connect with more than one person. The dogs relationships to other people serve to dilute its unhealthy level of dependence and fixation on you that causes it so much grief.

 To ensure your training sticks, everyone in your household needs to treat your dog the same way you do and use the same training methods. Consistent methods is your best bet to get your dog to remember something. If teaching methods between people differs, it is easy for your dog to get confused.

 Give your puppy some toys to chew on so they do not hurt while teething, keep other things they might want to chew on out of their reach! Give it one of his toys instead. A wet frozen washcloth is great for a puppy, who has teething pain, to chew on.

 When training your dog never punish him; doing so will only make him be resistant to any further training. You should make every effort to prevent the behavior in the first place, but if your pet does misbehave, show him what he should have done instead. You should make training a time to interact with your dog, you want to build a positive relationship with him.

 Dogs tend to concentrate on one thing to the exclusion of everything else unless that concentration is interrupted. With enough training, you will have your dog focusing solely on your signals.

 If your dog suddenly starts misbehaving out of the blue, it is best to bring him to the vet so any health problems can be ruled out. Your dog might be acting out because he is suffering. Since they cannot tell us what is wrong, this is their way of letting us know that they need extra attention.

 Consistency is key during your training sessions. Pick a single word or gesture for each command, action or behavior and use it exclusively. Dogs are able to associate repeated words or actions with the requested response. Consistency is essential to training. Establish a short list of vocabulary associated with communicating with your dog.

 Using wee-wee pads is actually counter productive when you are potty training your new puppy. The problem with the wee-wee pads is that they leak and leave enzymes from urine and feces behind. Potty pads can also mislead your dog into thinking that similarly shaped items throughout your home, like rugs, are appropriate places to go. The best option is to toilet train your dog outdoors.

 Any introductions to new animals should be made very slowly. Give your own pet great consideration before bringing another animal into the house. You can boost bonding efforts by getting a new pet that has a complimentary personality to your own.

 Try not to take your stress out on your dog by yelling at it because of your bad day or bad mood. Unless your dog has done something that warrants scolding, you should always take on a positive tone during your interactions.

 Make sure that your dog has enough sleeping space, especially when the dog is a big one that likes to sprawl. Think about getting your dog an actual dog bed that fits its larger size; crib mattresses work great, too. There are several advantages to doing this since you are able to change the cover with frequency and ease when using fitted sheets. This is also good because mattresses for cribs are waterproof.

 Your dog needs to get plenty of exercise. Dogs can get bored very easily. Dogs that lose interest are hard to train. Dogs are more inclined to obey when they are regularly taken out for exercise and happily accepted as a member of your family. It is a great idea to take your dog out on runs or walks through the neighborhood.

 Be sure to have your dog spayed or neutered at six months. You should do this at the same time you first take the dog to obedience training. A dog that has been spayed or neutered will be a more obedient dog. By spaying or neutering a dog he will have a longer happier life.

 Its important to include your family when training your dog. The house rules and specific expectations will be more apparent to the new dog if everyone, not just the primary trainer, follows the same training procedures.

 You do not want to use wee-wee pads when potty training your dog. The problem with the wee-wee pads is that they leak and leave enzymes from urine and feces behind. Potty pads can also mislead your dog into thinking that similarly shaped items throughout your home, like rugs, are appropriate places to go. Teaching your dog the appropriate place to go from the start is always the more practical idea.

 Try not to use wee-wee pads as a tool in potty training your day. The problem with the wee-wee pads is that they leak and leave enzymes from urine and feces behind. The pads may also confuse the dog because of their shape. It could cause the dog to think that a bathroom mat or welcome mat is a place to go potty. The best option is to toilet train your dog outdoors.

 A clicker works well when training most dogs. Using a clicker is as simple as showing your dog that good things happen when the clicking noise is heard. Try using this technique right away, doing it frequently over a span of a few days. Your dog will soon know that the clicking noise means that they are doing a good job.

 By following these tips, you should have a better understanding of how to train your dog. Putting these tips into action while training your pup can help the two of you forge a wonderful ongoing relationship..
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The Local Heroes of Dog Rescue

I have been promising for a while to write a blog entry about some of my friends at the local canine rescue agencies. In the title, I call these people heroes. To the dogs that they help, and to me, they really are heroes.
These people volunteer their time to help provide forever homes for some of Gods most innocent and precious creatures. In most cases, they literally save these dogs lives by removing them from local animal shelters before the dogs are euthanized. These wonderful volunteers, the foster parents, open their homes to these dogs until they are adopted.

These heroes work many hours on the weekends at various events around town (pet stores, etc.) to show these beautiful animals to potential adoptive parents. In addition to that, they constantly are raising funds to provide food and other essentials for the animals that are in their care.

During my time working at Petco in Peactree City, GA, I was blessed to meet a few of these wonderful heroes. I hesitate to mention names because I know I will leave many good people out. I will tell you about a couple of them here. My apologies to the others that I do not mention. I am sure that I will have occasion to write about your work in the future.

Based in Douglasville, GA ,BullyWag is a organization dedicated to saving the lives of dogs and finding them forever homes. They concentrate primarily on Pit Bull Breeds. Michelle Crampo brings a van load of dogs to Petco in Peachtree City every Saturday.She fosters many of these guys in her home. Many of these dogs find their forever homes as a result of the work that she does. She also has a soft spot for Beagles and Great Pyrenees. I adopted Copper from Michelle in January 2013. He has been a great addition to our pack! You can meet this hero on almost any Saturday afternoon at the Petco in Peachtree City. She will be more than happy to help you select the perfect dog for you and help you provide a forever home to one of these beautiful dogs!

Southern Crescent Canine Rescue
Based in Milner, GA Southern Crescent Canine Rescue saves the lives of many dogs and finds them forever homes.

Sandra Bray and Lew are two of the heroes at Southern Crescent Canine Rescue. They both do great work fostering dogs in their homes and almost every Saturday you can find them at Petco in Peachtree City.

Southern Crescent has a great variety of breeds of dogs.  Sandra and Lew and any of their volunteers are always happy to help you find the perfect little guy or girl for your family!

As always, if you are looking for an addition to your pack, I strongly recommend both of these organizations. If you are outside the Fayette County/ South Metro Atlanta Area, check Petfinder to find a rescue group near you!

Once you choose a little guy or girl to add to your pack, I will be happy to provide you with guidance on transitioning him/her to your home. I will also be happy to help you train your new pack member to be a well behaved and polite addition to your family. Please feel free to contact me at any time.

Till Next Time

William Moore
William Moore Canine Training
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Human Dog Connection Do dogs sense their owners feelings


I talk a great deal about the human/dog bond. It is one of the reasons that I think walking your dog regularly is important.

People who have been around dogs for any length of time may begin to notice that the dog can sense your feelings. They can sense when we are sick. Most of the time when I am sick, Copper acts remarkably different. He stays physically closer to me than usual. I have noticed this with many dogs that I have had the pleasure of living with over the years.

Dogs can also sense our frustration. This is one reason that I encourage people to keep training sessions short and to end on a high note. If you get frustrated with the dog, he will sense that and become more stressed likely heightening your frustration. This soon becomes a vicious downward spiral.

I think my dogs can also sense when I am irritable or feel down. They certainly act differently. Copper really gives me a wide berth, so to speak, when he senses that I am angry, irritable, or just feel a little down.

I bring this up because, in training, it is important that you be in the correct mindset. If you have other concerns that are causing you stress or making you angry, try to do the training work with your dog when you are a little more relaxed and less stressed. It will make things more pleasant for you and your canine buddy!

You know, dogs are really pretty incredible animals. I have noticed over the years that my dogs have been very sensitive to weather changes. If a bad thunderstorm is coming, I can usually tell hours before it arrives just by carefully watching the behavior of my dogs. If you know what to look for it is easy. I have said before that dogs are very much routine oriented animals. If I see my dogs voluntarily breaking their routine, something is always causing it. Sometimes it is a change in the weather.

Well I hope you are all having a great week!

I am finally starting to feel a little better and am getting some work done.

Remember if you would like to talk about your dogs behavioral issues, I am always available. Feel free to contact me.

Till next time 

William Moore
William Moore Canine Training
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Very good Canines Are The Effect Of Constant Coaching


Shelters are filled with puppies that didnt live up to owners requirements. Correct coaching will create a excellent properly-behaved loved ones pet. Making your pet using this method doesnt need to be difficult, if you make investments enough time to make it happen with a few simple actions.

With aggressive pet dogs it is advisable to get started slowly. Competitive puppies see their selves because the superior part in the package and attempting for taking that function from their website too rapidly may result in a poor reply from your dog. To protect yourself from bites or issues, acquire small steps in developing on your own as being the package head.

When educating a puppy simple instructions, begin with sit. Here is the quickest a single for any canine to learn. Keep his favored treat just above his nose area, and completely say sit. Most puppies will naturally sit back at this moment. Provide him the handle and dont neglect to compliment him profusely. If he doesnt stay, carefully press his back end finish to the floor. Right after he has been seated for a couple of secs, supply him with the take care of, and like before, be sure you compliment him.

Dogs generally focus on something when overlooking every thing close to them, except when something disrupts that extreme concentration. If you do it enough instances, your pet will watch for your indicators rather than focusing on other stuff.

Dont pressure your pet to go into his crate. Alternatively, profusely praise him when he goes in his crate on his. Younger puppies, particularly, could possibly be fairly afraid of the kennel after it is initial launched. In the event you power these to enter it their anxiety may well develop into terror. Their natural interest could eventually override their anxiety.

If your canine tends to chew on the shoes or boots or any other house products, you can cease this behavior by offering your pet a yummy substitute, like a unprocessed hide bone tissue, to chew. Your dog will likely give up your shoes in favor of the uncooked cover up, because the only explanation he or she is chewing your shoes or boots is that he / she is fed up and needs one thing to perform.

If you are seeking to coach a teething dog to never chew on your own garments or valuables, provide it with a proper product which to chew. Teething puppies offer an instinctive must chew, to be able to relieve the pain. Nonetheless, dont give your pup aged boots or clothes, because they will be taught that those items are ok to chew on.

Make an effort to get the dogs attention while you are training him or her. Make use of dogs brand when providing a command. This will likely get his focus so they know to adhere to the demand. Your puppy will recognize their brand and they can see you want their interest.

As being a proactive pet owner is the first task in instruction your pooch. An owner who anticipates problematic conditions for his or her puppy, and functions to keep him from all those circumstances anytime you can, can have a much better behaved dog. Comprehensive training is definitely not as essential if you achieve to find out your pet to help you expect his activities.

dog-training photo:guard dog training equipment

When coaching a pet dog to your leash it is very important keep your leash reduce. Each time a dog will get the chance to investigate new sights, appears to be and odors over a go walking, he typically gets extremely excitable. Your pet dog may take on his or her leash. Great puppy owners dont permit this conduct. As an alternative, they promote their canines just to walk with many slack within their leash.

One particular idea to remember when training your dog is to ensure that you make it totally crystal clear for your dog what exactly it is that your are disciplining it for. This will be significant to prevent misunderstandings and also to instruct your dog precisely what is desired and what is undesired conduct. An illustration of this things to prevent is hitting your dog time previous as well as in an alternative space from which it shredded your couch.

Instruct your puppy the "Leave it!" command. This command is essential in daily situations. Apply it if your canine attempts to seize food off a kitchen table or try to eat rabbit poop if you are out for a go walking. To obtain the pet to adhere to your control, keep a pleasure inside your palm (have one out of the other palm, also). Keep your hands available, and once he applies to the deal with, close up your hand when you say the demand "Let it sit!" Then offer you him another take care of, and discard normally the one you told him to depart. Repeat this step a few times, and then he will learn to "Leave it!" when you inform him to.

As we have talked about in this article, getting a satisfied, healthier, and nicely-tweaked dog will not be a hopeless aspiration. You should train your dog and present him a lot of attention and adore. Adopting the ideas provided in this article will bring about you owning a dog which you will be pleased with.

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Why Wont My Dog Listen to Me

One of a dog owner’s greatest frustrations can be a dog that doesn’t listen to what they are told to do.  You may feel that you spend an endless amount of time calling your dog into the house, trying to keep them from jumping, or attempting to get their attention when you are out for a walk.  Or maybe there are simply times you feel your dog has very selective hearing.

All dogs can be good listeners, but they need the proper guidance and relationship with their owners to achieve this.  If your dog doesn’t listen to you, one of the following is probably the reason.

You aren’t as much fun as whatever your dog is doing.  Many of the occasions when our dogs tune us out are simply because there is something more interesting to do.  If you are trying to call your dog in from the backyard and aren’t getting any response, your dog has probably learned that there is a greater reward in ignoring you – more squirrels to chase, more time to smell the grass, etc.  Plenty of dogs listen well at home, but when they are taken out, to the park or into town, they quickly stop listening to even the simplest commands.  In any of these situations, getting upset or frustrated won’t make your dog any more likely to pay attention.  The only way to get your dog’s attention is to become more interesting than whatever they are currently doing.  Make yourself fun, make yourself interesting, and make yourself exciting!

Fear of punishment.  If you correct your dog for something, you should be confident that you are addressing a behavior that you do not want repeated, and that your dog will associate the correction with that exact behavior, not something else.  For example, if your dog gets out the front door and leads you on an hour long chase through the neighborhood, chances are by the time you catch up to him you will be quite frustrated, if not outright angry.  However, if you punish your dog for finally returning home (or merely allowing themselves to be caught), your dog will associate that correction with the last action they took – coming back.  Because dogs have relatively short attention spans, they cannot make the connection between what you are frustrated with (the bolt out the door that happened an hour ago) and the punishment they are receiving now.  That means that if you correct him when he comes back, next time he won’t want to come when you call him.  Using positive methods instead of punishment based training will ensure you never make a mistake like this.

Your dog hasn’t been formally trained.  Many owners expect their dogs to respond to commands that haven’t ever been officially trained.  You may think your dog knows how to do something, but they may in fact have only gotten lucky in responding properly.  Or maybe they do have a little understanding of what you are asking, but don’t know well enough to be able to perform around distractions, when they are tired or bored or in a different situation.  Our dogs genuinely want to do the right thing, but we need to give them the tools.  If you feel your dog isn’t listening because she’s just being difficult or stubborn, consider that maybe she just doesn’t get it.  The easiest way to fix this problem is to do some formal training: go to a class, get a private lesson from a professional trainer or find a good book.  Educate yourself so you know the right way to teach your dog.

You’re speaking the wrong language – English!  Let’s face it; we are a very ego-centric species.  Without even knowing it we often expect our dogs to act the way we would.  It’s the only way most of us know how to behave.  But when we expect our dogs to understand us or act like us, we are usually asking too much.  If you’ve ever thought of your dog as your child, talked in complete sentences and sort of expected an answer, or felt like your dog was holding a grudge against you, you’re guilty.  Don’t worry – it happens to the best of us.  However, if your dog seems to be ignoring you, maybe it’s just a “language barrier” of sorts.  You speak English and she speaks canine.  And it’s not just about interpreting a bark.  Dogs are very tuned into body language.  They communicate mostly through posture, movement, eye contact…all without a single spoken word.  The next time your dog doesn’t listen to you, consider if she really understands the question.

If your dog is not listening, regardless of why, the best solution may be found through a professional dog trainer.  Good dog trainers don’t just know how to get a dog to sit, they can interpret relationships between dogs and owners and help you learn how to improve them.  That leads to a happy ending for both you and your dog, and lots more listening!
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Dealing With Your Puppy Tips And Tricks To Generate A Effectively Behaved Pet


If you choose your dog from an wildlife save, its behavior could be a lot far more subdued on the shelter than it will be after it settles in your house. With many fundamental training, you can instruct your pet to behave much better more rapidly.

If you have received a dog or dog and you have crate qualified them it is recommended to try not to keep these inside for more than several or five several hours at the same time unless of course its over night or its simply a after-in-awhile thing. If you need to get them from the crate for extended amounts of time, a pet dog almost certainly wasnt the most suitable choice for you.

After it is a chance to leash workout your brand new pet or puppy, you must let him know that you are boss. Penalties does only make him scared of you together with it doesnt basically appropriate the behavior. One important thing that you ought to do, is make a quick leash in order that he needs to remain proper with you. Tend not to allow him to direct you. You happen to be director, not him.

People who own dogs will find fantastic benefit in simply being affectionate in the direction of their pets. Beneficial encouragement has been proven to function greater within a instruction situation than negativity. Puppies are sociable beings and really like compliments. Your time and efforts will help a lot in the direction of increasing future training sessions as well.

Keep your puppies are productive and getting a great deal of exercises. Feeling of boredom usually befalls an inactive canine, or this individual get themselves inside a "mutt rut" with a dull and listless routine. Dogs without any passion will likely be more difficult to coach than energetic dogs. If your pet is match and articles, he is going to be much more likely to heed your recommendations. You and the puppy can operate or walk together day-to-day.

Create a normal agenda for your puppy. Ensure his foods are simultaneously each day, and move him morning hours and night. Attempt to get him out for lavatory smashes employing a consistent schedule. Canines usually thrive when they have a routine they can stick to.

You may need to consider different treats until you determine what works for your puppy. There are a lot of numerous canine treats out there, but your dog has his very own preferences and personal preferences the same as all others. When a distinct handle doesnt manage to get your pet inspired, try something different.

Ensure that you get everyone associated with education. Should you be the only family member working together with Fidos actions, then this other members of the family are giving him mixed signs. Consistency is extremely important in proper dog training. Also be sure that most people are using the same keywords and incentives so the habits is going to be established appropriately. Off of and down are two different things into a dog, so ensure you arent complicated him.

If you are instruction your pet, do not recurring orders repeatedly to find the puppy to obey. As opposed to teaching your pet dog to accomplish the things you say, reproducing the same command when your puppy doesnt listen offers them an attitude of indifference. Give your directions firmly, as soon as, and demand the canine do whatever you say.

When your normally effectively-behaved and housebroken pet begins showing very poor behaviors, for example urinating inside, accept it to some veterinary to eliminate any medical conditions. A lot of medical issues might cause a dog to act out. Dont reprimand your sick pet for demonstrating that it is unwell aid it.

Make sure youre not strengthening an unfavorable habits. You dont would like to give your pet snacks or unique attention during training if theyre not executing the job effectively. If you, then theyll think youre pleased and continue to do stuff just how theyre carrying out them, and they wont enhance.

Patience is the best virtue in puppy training. Keeping yourself patient may help all parties to avoid disappointment. Remember that your pet dog seeks to please you, however, it can not fully grasp your terminology, thus it needs time for it to learn what you expect.

In case your dog looks discouraged or becomes stressed when you are going to go out, your pet may well experience divorce anxiousness. To assist your puppy check out the day time, depart a thing that has your smell into it, for example a classic piece of clothes. This could suggest that your pet dog is not going to miss you a great deal.

A good training your dog hint is to understand the entire body terminology you make use of. Puppies seriously consider your body words and its crucial that you are giving the right message. Speaking an excessive amount of may also mistake dogs, so its advisable to be concise as to what youre trying to say.

Instruct your puppy the "Let it sit!" control. This order is very important in day-to-day situations. Make use of it should your canine attempts to grab food items off of a dinner table or take in rabbit stools when you are out to get a stroll. To find the pet to adhere to your control, keep a reward within your fingers (have one out of the other fingers, also). Hold your hands open, and whenever he goes for the take care of, shut your hands when you say the control "Let it rest!" Then offer you him the other handle, and eliminate the one you shared with him to go out of. Continue doing this step once or twice, and the man will be taught to "Let it rest!" if you tell him to.

Will be your canine acquiring each of their necessary nutrients and vitamins? Like children, canines could get definitely hyperactive and struggling to concentration when their diet is not approximately spec. There are niche meals available for specific dog breeds. You can try one of these simple when your dogs vitality would seem low. Also, speak to your veterinary to make sure that your dog is to get the appropriate healthy articles.

dog-training photo:dog training ny

Several owners are surprised by how standard puppy training can be included in their lifestyle and just how quickly they may see final results. Should you be experiencing some pressure and anxiety with the canine buddy, give these useful tips an opportunity.

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Senin, 23 Mei 2016

Points That You Need To Find Out About Training Your Dog


For everyone who is totally new to puppy training, there are surely some challenges to conquer. In a number of situations, you might experience among those stubborn pups who just dont want to listen closely, at which point you will need the strategies of the pros available. Use these tips for additional details on taking on puppy training, by having an side that wont fall short.

The stroll can be very hard to expert, but with the best training and patience, your pet will probably be strolling appropriate with you quickly. Firstly, do not allow them to abandon the entranceway first. If you put his leash on, make him stay very first or provide you with his paw. In a nutshell, some type of obedience to obtain him in the mindset. Then, when you find yourself really outside the house, if he actually starts to move in front of you, supply the leash a quick tug to assert yourself as being the one in fee.

Invest the ideal timeframe training your pet, and you should not wear it out. Start with a brief program and gradually increase time to it. Observe the stage whenever your pet starts to get unsettled.

There are numerous methods to workout a dog. Just like all people understand in different ways, all puppies discover differently. You ought to research some different education types and find out the ones that work best for your personal distinct puppy. When in hesitation, talk to a expert and get their opinion or look for expert coaching professional services.

Rep is amongst the most critical facets of coaching any pet. Simply demonstrating your dog how you can behave once only is inadequate. Strengthening tips is important, plus your puppy could eventually be considerably a lot more sensitive.

Do not forget that at times determination is vital, dont come to be disappointed when your puppy doesnt catch on immediately. It might be good if every single pet could understand your every single demand but you need to recall they cant. Just attempt to make sure you are mindful of your dogs sensations and once they generally do comply with your demand incentive them so they determine what they did was right.

Canines usually react properly to actual physical advantages when becoming educated. Almost all canines provide an incredibly sizeable ability for love. That creates them answer well to rewards like abdomen damaging, rear petting and cleaning. Your puppy desires to be cherished and considerably likes you supplying him love. Show your joy regarding his accomplishment this way.

Ensure you are giving your pet dog substantial-good quality meals. Behavior issues are usually the result of a very poor diet plan. High-high quality dog food has human being-level components along with an expiry time. Ensuring your puppy eats lots of health proteins and get away from offering him "garbage" foods in the dinner table. A well-nourished pet can be a satisfied, obedient puppy.

To produce your dog fully grasp what you are actually planning on from this, you must reward it when it acts nicely. Pet it if it obeys you, and employ a soothing sound. You may also feed your puppy a treat if this performed anything amazingly nicely. Be sure your pet is aware of why you are pleased.

dog-training photo:dog training biting

As being a proactive pet owner is the first step in education your pooch. An owner who anticipates bothersome conditions with regard to their canine, and operates to keep him far from these scenarios whenever possible, can have a much better behaved pet. Considerable coaching is definitely not as necessary when you get to know your dog in order to predict his actions.

Your control should be the final demand, as well as your dog must understand. Nonetheless, that doesnt indicate he will take the courses and have it, quickly. You must know the unique tricks and acquire good quality advice. The ideas of the write-up may serve as a great point to start off from, so your training your dog could go the way you would like it to.

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Coach Your Pet Dog Correctly This Way!


Do you want your puppy to stay, continue to be, shake or stop utilizing your costly asian carpet to hide his tiny "gift ideas"? Read this article to locate recommendations that can help you complete those things you might be having complications with. You might even instruct him to completely clean up those crashes he did not suggest to have.

Prize your puppy for obeying you, but only occasionally. Advantages like goodies and excessive admiration might be valuable equipment when coaching your puppy. Simply be cautious that you do not situation them to anticipate this when they do since they are are shared with. Prize them for adhering to coaching, but do it randomly.

It is best to pick a term for potty training your dog, and employ it regularly. Whenever your dog is taken out, utilize the word you may have preferred to make reference to the procedure of alleviating her or himself, and the animal is likely to make a mental hyperlink between heading exterior and performing simply that.

It is very important leash-workout your dog. Learning how to walk appropriately on his leash will keep both of you risk-free when you find yourself outdoors.

Spend time every day coaching your dog, even though for only some a few minutes every day. Canines respond effectively when they arrive at process the things they are understanding and whatever they have learned. Exercising a minimum of fifteen minutes each day on directions your dog already understands maintains your dog in reality.

By no means punish your dog, or self-control him, right after the truth. In the event that he urinated on the rug before within the working day, punishing him now wont help. Dogs cannot cause and get really short-term remembrances, hence they will not likely associate the earlier incident with all the punishment at hand.

Not showering your pet with sufficient good encouragement when he does great, will reduce the power you may have around him in education. Given that dogs adore interest, providing them a lot of it, provides him with incentive to hear you. If all he actually hears on your part is really what to refrain from doing, he or she is not getting any reassurance, only discouragement, so be sure you incentive him with compliments usually.

A single idea to keep in mind when coaching your pet, is to try using its title correctly. This is important due to the fact control over your pet is the best goal in education and self-control. Say its brand usually, but only for immediate requests. Never ever contact your pet for your needs if you intend on inflicting punishment on it.

An excellent proper dog training suggestion will be regular with the terms you make use of if you talk with your dog. British is actually a unfamiliar language to canines and theyre continually attempting to understand what youre expressing. Because they are constant with the words, your dog are often more prone to find out.

The quickest way to train your pet dog to sit is usually to employ beneficial encouragement. If you control your puppy to sit down and they sits for a decent amount of your energy, then you can certainly offer the canine a reward. Your dog will likely then know that whenever you say sit, should they become successful they will get a deal with therefore they will eagerly sit down much longer and much longer.

dog-training photo:dog protection training

Beneficial encouragement is definitely the established secret weapon to success in training your dog. Determine what incentive will inspire your furry friend and employ it. Strong smelling lean meats and cheese are generally extremely popular. It is vital to always have goodies handy when education. Nevertheless, it is actually equally important to view the caloric intake.

If at all possible, begin education your pet if they are youthful. A expertise which is explained in early stages is usually figured out speedier and easier when compared to a talent that is launched with a later age group. Furthermore, older dogs have often picked up several adverse behaviors throughout their existence these actions needs to be undone before the coaching process can start.

As you can see from your post, it can be easy to teach your dog to be a excellent family member. It really takes persistence, persistence and rep. Your furry tiny close friend would be the smartest about the obstruct right away whatsoever and everyone will be asking you the method that you did it. Then you can definitely primary those to these guidelines.

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Tips And Tricks On How To Train Your Dog Correctly

Dogs are dogs, no matter the size or temperament. If a pet owner understands the way that his or her pet thinks, it may be easier to train the animal. If someone doesnt understand this mindset, he or she can gain some knowledge by reading this article.

Give challenges to your dog on a regular basis. Test what he knows by giving commands, even if you are sure that he has the skill mastered.

 Give your puppy his own toys that he can chew to remove pain due to teething, and keep him away from chewing other items. You need to replace that with a designated chew toy. Puppies sometimes chew objects while going through their teething phase. A wet cloth that has been frozen is perfect for them during this time.

 Use your dogs name whenever you are offering it a treat. This will direct his attention to you immediately every time, and especially right before you issue a command. Use your dogs name several times a day. If you need to punish your dog, go to your dog. Dont call him or her to you and then punish.

 It is important to avoid dwelling on one task for too long. Your dog is going to get bored doing the same thing over and over. This is why you need to limit the time of your training sessions to around 10 minutes.

 Keep dog training techniques positive and upbeat. Remain motivated, even when training gets tough. If your dog performs a task you ask him to, reward him. Punishing your dog will not achieve the desired results and does more harm than good.

 Always get your dogs attention by using his name. To train your dog, you need a certain level of control. Getting them used to their name and coming when you call will help you achieve this. Repeat this several times daily. Also, dont punish your dog if he comes over when you call him by name.

 Big dogs need a bed that can accommodate them, especially if they like to stretch and sleep on their back. There are big, long dog beds around for larger dogs, or you could look for a mattress taken from a crib. A crib mattress is also an easy to care for alternative to a dog bed because the sheets can be changed regularly with little fuss. Theyre waterproof, too!

 Make sure that the only items your dog can reach are chew toys that are specifically made for dogs. You need to replace that with a designated chew toy. Chew toys are essential for puppies who are experiencing pain from teething. A great alternative is a frozen wash cloth.

 Include plenty of physical activity in your dogs training routine. Dogs can easily get bored. A bored dog will try and find something interesting to do, and training is not usually interesting. Keeping your dog exercised and happy will help them pay attention more due to releasing all excess energy that often distracts them from your commands. Go for long walks and runs with your dog.

 Any behavioral issues that suddenly occur should be checked by a vet to make sure there are no health conditions causing it. Certain health conditions, or even pain, can completely change an animals demeanor. It could even be to the point that the dog may become more aggressive and lash out at people. This behavior is an indicator to humans that there is something wrong.

 If you have to keep your dogs outside, never tie them up too close to one another. The dogs chains could get tangled up and cause harm to the dogs as they struggle to get free. In the worst case, a large dog might be able to strangle or crush a smaller one, entirely by accident, while trying to free itself.

 To have success in dog training, you need to be able to control it with commands. You have to show your dog that you are in control or he will not obey or respect you. When walking with your dog, always walk first, never let your dog lead, as this is the leadership position.

 If hiring an animal behavior professional is something you are considering, make sure to learn as much about them as you can. Animal behavior professionals have differing opinions on what correctly training a dog entails, so you should make sure that your trainer is in line with your own ideology before using their techniques with your dog!

 Your dog needs to get plenty of exercise. Dogs can get bored very easily. Dogs that lose interest are hard to train. Dogs are more inclined to obey when they are regularly taken out for exercise and happily accepted as a member of your family. It is a great idea to take your dog out on runs or walks through the neighborhood.

 If you teach your dog the right way to act at the beginning you will have a good dog. It is much more difficult to break a dogs bad habits, than to teach it correct behavior in the beginning. For example, if you are adamant about your dog not being a beggar, then never make any exceptions to handing him food from your table.

 In the majority of instances, dog bites are caused by a biting phobia. The occurrence is frequently due to a dogs anxiety, claustrophobia, or sense that danger is imminent. Train your dog with praise and discipline, not physical force. This could have the unfortunate effect of causing your dog to bite you. If your dog trusts you, he will want to make you happy and look towards you as a leader.

 Use dog treats that are tasty for your dog, and are of high value in order to obtain great results. Since these treats will be handed out sparingly, it should not matter too much if they are usually off limit items.

 Do not tie a couple of dogs closely together. The dogs could get wrapped up and they may be injured. If one dog happens to be much larger than the other, the small dog could get tangled to the point that it could choke to death.

 A clicker works well when training most dogs. Using a clicker is as simple as showing your dog that good things happen when the clicking noise is heard. Try using this technique right away, doing it frequently over a span of a few days. Your dog will soon know that the clicking noise means that they are doing a good job.

 As you have read, pet owners choose to train their dogs for many different reasons. The natural willingness of dogs in general makes most easy to train. It is hoped that you have found some helpful tips in this article that will aid your efforts to train your pooch..
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Doug Duncan and Doggy Business

This past week I met with Doug Duncan, owner of a local dog walking, training, boarding & daycare facility, "Doggy Business".  My thanks to Gay Robson, longtime client and friend, for introducing us.  Doug is on the Northeast side of Portland in a 3,000 sq/ft building.  He runs a busy operation with 11 employees.  I may go teach some intermediate and advanced level classes for him after I recover from my surgery - probably some Rally Obedience and other fun things for owners who have already taught their dogs the basics.  Doug uses positive motivation and clicker training, so it should be a good match.  Check back later on to see what exciting courses are set up! 
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Pitbulls Are they just misunderstood


I have a special place in my heart for Pit Bulls.  After years of working in a shelter environment, I understand the dilemma surrounding a very unique breed of dog.   Pits are certainly not for everyone and unfortunately a small percentage of bad owners have helped to create a breed bias that is not totally unfounded. 

As with most breeds, there are good representations of the breed and bad ones.  Not all Pits are good dogs who have just had a “rough go of it.”  Some of them are temperamentally unsafe, just like some Golden Retrievers are temperamentally unsafe.  For the purposes of this discussion, we will assume we are talking about a typically nice Pit Bull.  Here are a few things that owners need to be aware of:

Need Leadership:  Pit Bulls are smart and strong willed.  They need structure, guidance and obedience training.  The more leadership they have, the happier and calmer they will be. 

High Prey Drive:  Pit Bulls are Terriers and as with all terriers, they are bred to be very predatory.    High prey drive is not something you can “train out of dog.”  You can cover it up with training, but it will always be there.  Many Pits are very safe around their own small animals, cats, etc.  But are not safe around other small animals.

Social:  Pit Bulls are very social dogs.  Contrary to what many people think, Pits usually love people!  These dogs were bred for fighting other animals AND bred to be very friendly with people.  Most Pits are very dog social and friendly when they are young but then some of them can become more aggressive as they get older.  It’s really an arousal issue for Pits.  Owners need to know how to recognize this spike in arousal during play and have enough control of it to redirect the dog.  This comes back to leadership and training.

The bottom line with understanding and owning a Pit Bull or Pit Bull mix is recognizing the breed specific characteristics and it’s possible limitations.  Be realistic about setting the dog (and you) up for success.  If you are a Pit Bull owner, it’s your responsibility to create an ambassador for the breed in order to educate and change the public’s perception. 

What do you think?  Have you personally had experience with this breed?  If you are not a Pit Bull owner, what do you think of the breed?  
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Identification Tags for your dog

I always suggest identification tags for your dogs. Even if you have a microchip,  an identification tag is a good idea. Since it is readable by a human, if the collar stays on the dog, it is a great way for someone to identify your lost dog and get him home again!

When I adopted Copper , I also worked at Petco in Peachtree City, GA. I used the fancy new tag machine to make him a really nice military style id tag. The retail cost of it was $11.00. My employee discount brought it down to about $9.00 plus tax.

I give you these prices because when we adopted cute little Cody the Beagle earlier this week, The Lovely Shane and I went to our local Wal-Mart. They have a machine that is very similar to the fancy one we had at Petco. However the identical tag only cost me $5.00 tax included.  The only difference is that the machine at Petco allows engraving on both sides of the tag and the one at Wal-Mart only allows one side engraving. This was not a big deal for us because there was plenty of room for the following to be very visible:

Cody the Beagle
Im microchipped

The tag has the dogs name, my phone number and indicates that he is microchipped. This way in the unlikely event that my phone number is incorrect or for some reason does not work, the microchip will provide my name, address, correct phone number, etc.

If you can wait for shipping, there are even better Internet deals to available.

Our entire pack (Cuddles the Corgi Mix, Copper the Beagle, and Cody the Beagle) all now have identification tags on their collars. This gives the Lovely Shane and I a little more peace of mind.

I encourage you to get your little guys and/or girls identification tags if you do not already have them.

As always, please feel free to contact me at any time with dog training or general dog related questions.

Till next time


William Moore
William Moore Canine Training

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Wonderful Guidance For Education Your Pet


Canines usually do not always innately regard your hopes. You will be that stop of the rope following going through chewed up mats and torn window curtains. This article will show you in depth tips about how to educate your pet to have peacefully in your home.

If your dog is ill or harmed, dont penalize it for performing something beyond its manage. Whether it vomits in the home, that might normally be looked at a poor activity, but in the case of disease they might struggle to control it. Rather acquire your furry friend to the veterinarian to find out if or exactly what is completely wrong.

Display your puppy which you really like them and therefore are very proud of them. Its effortless in puppy training to target the adverse and try to show your puppy that anything they are accomplishing is incorrect. Make certain you also work to showcase the beneficial and compliment them if they are doing well.

In case your puppy will not appear to be addressing your instruction, schedule an appointment with your veterinary clinic. In case your dog is not really discovering correctly, it does not necessarily mean they can be dumb. Often actual physical and at times emotional maladies could cause your puppy to not react effectively to instruction. Your veterinarian could possibly give you some sign for the issue.

To get the ideal results when housebreaking a family pet, be aware of the food and water he uses up. You can promote consistency and regularity by giving the family pet over a company timetable a couple of times every day with only the very best quality of food items. This ensures your dog wont have incidents as youll know when you should assume a vacation outdoors.

To keep your pet from barking while you arent house, you need to make him feel it is possible to appear at any moment. This will likely take some time by you. Make-believe to leave the house, but remain outside the house till the barking begins. Then wide open the entranceway and deliver a stern "No!" This makes your pet dog believe you are all-finding and-seeing and hearing. A few periods with this approach, and youll train your pet to keep it tranquil.

To aid teach your pet dog, you need to assert yourself since the dominant one out of your relationship by refusing to provide the dog undeserved attention or meals. Once you convince your pet you operate the show and, furthermore, let the canine understand you may use that potential to give it something it wishes, your puppy will obey your instructions more effectively.

Use optimistic strengthening when dog training. Use beneficial words to incentive the canine, in addition to petting and modest snacks occasionally. Dont possibly strike your pet or yell at them! Doing this will trigger your puppy to do something out even more and lose value for you personally. Keep a relax mindset at any time your dog does wrong to help you use a connection o mutual admiration with your puppy.

To train your pet how to move over a leash, you can start by getting your pet dog employed to the leash at the early age. Move all around your backyard or back garden with your pet with a leash at first. Reward your pet whether it will not tug about the leash. Utilize a command including come and tug about the leash simultaneously. Your puppy must rapidly recognize that you desire it to adhere to you.

Utilize your dogs name at all times, this will assist emphasis him. Use his label a lot more as he is really a pup. When he is grown, he will immediately present you with his interest if you say his label. Its best to stick to shorter brands, ones that are distinguishable using their company terms.

Be mindful of what exactly behavior you will be reinforcing, so remain your soil and dont give into the pets determination. A dog will most likely recurring whatever activity has formerly acquired him a incentive. Hence, when you offer a dog food so it will quit pleading at the table one particular night time, youre only making the dog more inclined to beg for meals once again, the following night.

In case you have a pet dog that is not understanding, in spite of coaching, often bringing in another pet that is already educated, can also work miracles. The educated canine may lead by example and can get each of the compliment from your people all around. Meanwhile, the untrained dog will be viewing exactly what the trained pet is doing and gain knowledge from this.

When toilet training your brand new puppy, keep him over a tough giving schedule. Offer foods two times a day, concurrently every day, and consider your pup in the market to remove shortly after completing the dinner. Youthful pups frequently need to use the toilet swiftly after having a dinner. Offering your puppy the opportunity to go outside the house is certain to get him on the routine and assistance to prevent crashes.

To ensure a highly-trained four-legged friend in the first place, make sure you practice consistency in every you do when you bring your canine companion property. This implies going over all aspects from the dogs proper care, requirements and instruction with all members of your family. A dog that is certainly getting yelled at by 1 member of the family for urinating inside your home although yet another family member just gently washes in the wreck will serve simply to confuse and frustrate the pet. If all family members treat your pet uniformly, whether or not admonishing it or showering it with praise, the canine will become familiar with faster, and family members will have the ability to successfully control your pet with ease.

To conclude, you need to maintain your canine inside but it is demonstrating to be a significant struggle. Your possessions are obtaining destroyed, and you also are running out of persistence. Utilizing the suggestions in this post, you can study how you can make your pet a fantastic inside dog.

dog-training photo:hunting dog training collars

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Leader of the Pack


Dominant Aggression:

Although it may seem cute when a young puppy growls, this could be the first signs of aggression. Food guarding and snapping at guests, may seem harmless when a dog is small, but people don’t understand is that this dog is showing the early signs of dominance. The truth is that this pup is probably going to grow up to be aggressive to family members in addition to strangers. Early growling can easily develop into an adult that tries to take control of the house. Dominant Aggression needs to be controlled from the start, (no matter how cute or small the dog is).

Often people will say that dog aggression seems to appear out of the blue, but there are always warning signs and early indicators of aggressive tendancies. For instance “offensive (dominance-related) aggression is often indicated by high postures, staring and chasing (Borchelt and Voith, 1996; Lindsay, 2001). Unfortunately, posturing and body language are often overlooked and growling as well as food guarding is simply punished, to the point the dog stops giving warning signals and goes straight to biting.

Dogs are pack animals and they live a pack life that has been bred into them since the beginning of time. Their very nature demands a pack order and if one is not set up for them, they will take it upon themselves to develop their own pack order by which they live. If the owner doesn’t establish itself as the pack leader and all humans to rank above the dog, it may take it upon itself to become the alpha. This is why many dogs will only obey one person in the household. It all comes down to how the dog views its order in pack.

Proper socialization at an early age can help reduce the chance of aggression. A dogcan be influenced by its experiences during early life, a time that is critical for establishing social relationships (Scott and Fuller, 1965). Puppies raised in isolation until the end of the sensitive period (12 weeks of age) tend to show deficits in play activity and to behave aggressively towards peers (Fox and Stelzner, 1967). Even if a dog learns to interact appropriately with littermates, these social skills may not be retained unless the dog continues to receive frequent conspecific socialization”. (Lindsay, 2001). The socialization must be ongoing and varied in order to expose the dog to as many things, people and stimulus as possible.

Prevention is the best cure, but to get control of an already dominant dog you must have his view of the pack order changed. He needs to be moved to the bottom of the list in terms of dominance. He must realize that all humans rank higher than himself. This is done by monitoring the order of every aspect of the dog’s life. Dominant dogs do not sleep on the bed or in the bedroom. The best place to sleep goes to the pack leader. Dominant dogs never eat from the table and are always fed “after dinner,” (lower pack members always eat last). Humans must have first access to all resources, to establish that the dog is the lowest ranking member of the pack.

Spaying and neutering the dog can help in reducing aggressive tendencies. However, not always in the case of females. “Most household aggression involves spayed females (Sherman et al., 1996) Furthermore: in regard to multiple dog homes.

Overall (1997) observed that compared to neutered males, aggression in intact males is often more intense, quicker, and lasts longer. In contrast, spayed females have been found to initiate aggression more frequently than intact females (Sherman et al., 1996) and to display more dominance-related aggression after spaying”. (Voith and Borchelt, 91982; Kim et al., 2006).

The real key to controlling and preventing aggression is obedience training. This is a very important part of establishing some kind of order. The training method, when dealing with aggression, should not be the strictly a motivational approach. Motivation is used but it must be tempered with corrections for all unwanted behaviour. It is essential to interrupt all aggressive and dominant behaviour and provide the dog with a healthy and happy alternative. However, if the dog’s dominance has developed to a point where it tries to attack the handler when it gets corrected…then its time to get some professional help.

For information on the myths of pack order and dominance check out this link:

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Becoming a Canine Foster Parent


Foster Girl Penny

Foster Girl Lovey
Foster Flunkie Trigger

Foster Boy Tiny (renamed Copper Top by his adopted mommy)
I thought it prudent to write about being a Canine Foster Parent.

The pictures on this post represent many of the dogs that The Lovely Shane and I have recently fostered in our home. You will notice that some of the captions indicate a dog to be a  foster flunkie. This is not a bad thing. These are dogs that fit so well in our pack that we decided to adopt them ourselves making them a permanent member of our pack. In other words, these dogs now have a forever home at the Dog Training/Foster Shack!

Foster Girl Gracy
A few of these fosters are still in our pack as foster dogs. Most of them, however, have either found other fosters whose packs were better for them or they have found forever homes.

So, I will start by defining what exactly I mean when I refer to as a Canine Foster Parent. In general terms, the Canine Foster Parent provides a temporary home for a dog that has been rescued  from a high kill shelter, a owner who could no longer care for him/her, being a stray, or some similar unfortunate situation.

Foster Boy Charles the Duke of Fayette County (or just Charlie)
As a foster, we treat the foster dogs very much as we do our own adopted dogs. They become temporary members of the pack and temporary members of our family here at the Dog Trainer/Foster Shack.

Foster Boy Dr. Phil McBeagle
With the support of the rescue organization with which we are affiliated (BullyWag, Inc.) and their donors, we take care of all the foster dogs needs. We arrange for them to go to the veterinarian when needed. We work on housebreaking if needed. We do some basic obedience training with them so that they are well on the way to becoming a polite little guy or girl. We feed them. In short, we provide them with love, routine, and care. The routine is important. It is important that they are exposed to a typical home environment so that they have a better chance at finding a perfect forever home. Having them in our home allows us to observe the foster dog in a typical home environment. We begin, very quickly, to learn about their "personalities", for lack of a better word. It helps us to provide better information, to a potential adoptive parent about how well they may fit in a particular adoptive home. This ultimately greatly improves the chances that they will find a loving forever home!

Not all dogs are a good fit as a foster with your pack. Our pack is comprised entirely of adult and senior dogs. Most of our pack are beagles or other scent hound or scent hound mixes. So, a young playful puppy is generally not a great fit in our pack.
Foster Flunkie Leopold Butters Stotch or just Butters

Sometimes, however, it is difficult to  discern how a particular individual will fit with your pack until the individual has spent a little time in the fosters home.

There is no stigma on your efforts as a foster or any hard feelings on the part of the rescue group if a foster does not work in your home for any reason. The safety and well being of all the dogs in your pack, as a foster parent, has to be your greatest concern. If a new foster is inducing stress in the rest of the pack or being too aggressive, most of the time, your best option is to find a more suitable foster for the individual that is inducing the stress or displaying the aggression.

Foster Boy Biscut
Being a Canine Foster Parent is not for everyone. It is a commitment. You will also become emotionally attached to the foster dog. This always happens to us. We reason it out in the following manner: Any foster that leaves our house for a forever home is a life saved. This is very literally true. When a foster gets a forever home, provided the forever home is not our home, this frees up our resources so that we can help save the life of another foster dog. This is a beautiful thing!

Many people ask me how long we typically have a foster in our home. The correct answer is that it varies very widely. Some dogs are adopted very quickly. One little guy, named Whiskey, was only in our pack for about a week. Some dogs take much longer. Copper, my demo dog, was with his foster parents for over a year before I adopted him.  Some dogs leave our pack before they are adopted. Foster boy Biscuit, was with us for a few months. He was an older puppy at the time. In the beginning he did very well. However, he eventually hit the puppy adolescence stage and was no longer a good fit for our pack. He became much too willful and active for our other dogs. He then found another foster home where he could play with puppies for much of the day. This was much better for our pack and for Biscuit.

Foster Boy Whiskey

Fostering dogs is a very rewarding and fun experience. However, it is a commitment in a similar sense to your commitment to your own adopted dogs. If you are considering becoming a foster parent, you will have to commit to caring for the fosters. This commitment involves the same things as does an adoption. You need to provide exercise for them. You will need to arrange for their care when you are away from home (this is done with the help of the rescue group with which you are affiliated). It is not a requirement but, I strongly recommend that you work with the fosters on obedience training just as you would your own dog. You dont have to work with a professional trainer but you should do things like get the dog to respond to his/her name, come when called, and walk properly on a leash. This will make the dog more adoptable.

It is not a requirement that you have other dogs at home. However, this sometimes helps the foster dog to learn routines and how to behave in a typical home. Dogs really do learn faster when other well behaved dogs are in their pack. However, many foster parents only have foster dogs at their homes. These are really special people!

You will also learn a great deal about dogs by fostering. You are exposed to dogs from differing backgrounds. Unfortunately, many times, you see the direct results of how abuse and neglect can effect a dog. These cases are heartbreaking but when I see a dog progress after one of these terrible situations it really makes me feel blessed to have been involved in helping that dog find a happier life! Some of the abuse toward dogs of which people are capable may sicken you for a while. Things like a dog that is starving or a dog that has been beaten really bother me. However, it is a great blessing to be in a position to help these wonderful creatures that God gave us as a gift. I truly view each of them as a special gift from God. I think you will too as a foster parent!

If you are interested in becoming a foster parent, please contact me for the names of some of Gods special servants in the Dog Rescue world who will be happy to have you as a foster family!

There is a great need for foster families! Rescue groups always have more dogs than fosters. So, you are needed!

By the way, I am currently writing a book about adopted dogs. I intend it to also be very helpful to foster parents. The working title is Parents Manual for Adopted Dogs (all rights reserved). I intend to have it published in electronic format in early 2015. I recently wrote a blog post about it if you are interested.
Till next time-

William Moore Canine Training

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Dog Fights and Dog Bites


Here are just a few of the facts that were explained by 20-20:

My source

• 90% of dog bites happen to people who know the dogs

• Most of the dogs that bite are the family pets

• 60% to 70% of dog bites are to children or the elderly

• 40% of the bites to children result in loss of facial tissue (lips, cheek etc.)

• 1/2 of the claims made on homeowners insurance are dog bites claims!

Ed Frawley wrote, "An interesting point that 20-20 made is that more dog bites come from small dogs than from big dogs. The University of California did a study and found that dogs under 16 pounds are more likely to snap at people. My personal feeling is that “SMALL DOG OWNERS” do not perceive their dogs as being very dangerous. The majority of large dog owners make some attempt at controlling aggression problems, (even if it’s just giving the dog away or having it put to sleep). While the small dog owners often tend to ignore the problem and feel that their little terrier is just being cute when it growls at kids or guests that try and sit on the couch next to it. The fact is small dogs can bite SMALL KIDS in the face."

On this note:

Aggressiveness in dogs has a number of different causes often due to poor breeding and / or poor socializing. Many pet owners don’t recognize the early signs of dominant aggression or fear aggression and over look it as either alpha behavior or shyness. For instance a cute puppy slowly developed into a fearful biter after not dealing with it growling at people who came to visit. The pet owner cannot deal with the, now adult, dog that becomes overly aggressive at friendly strangers. Understanding where aggression has its roots will help people understand the methods used in controlling the problem. Early detection of reactivity and early socialization is key in avoiding adult dog aggression.

Types of Aggression:

Dominant Aggression- when a dog is struggling for rank in the pack.

Territorial Aggression- when a dog is fearful of losing its resources

Fear Aggression- lack of socialization or weak nervous system

Prey or Predatory Aggression- instinctive prey drive and lack of socialization with other animals and sometimes small children.

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