Sabtu, 30 April 2016

Discounted Introductory Lesson Offer Offer Expired

***** Offer Expired******

Polite Dogs...... Happy People

William Moore Canine Training

*Special Limited Time Offer!

Introductory Training Session (1 hour in-home)
$30.00 ( Cash Only)
(regular price $75.00)

William Moore will work with you and your dog in your home for one hour. As part of the session, He will work with you to develop a training plan that addresses your unique training needs. He will begin teaching you how to work with your dog to achieve a more polite and better behaved dog. Because..... Polite Dogs... mean... Happy People!

William Moore Canine Training uses only positive reinforcement methods.

This offer is valid for sessions that are paid for before October 10, 2013. No obligation for additional sessions required.

*extra travel fee for travel outside a 20 mile radius of the intersection of New Hope Road and Hwy. 92 N. in North Fayette County

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Meet the breed Corgi

Our pretty little girl, Cuddles, is a Corgi mix. We are not sure exactly what other breeds make up her heritage but, we know she is part Corgi.

The cute little guy in the pic here is a Cardigan Welsh Corgi. You can not really tell in Cuddles picture but their tails are similar .

The handsome guy in the picture here is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi. He bears the most resemblance to our little girl, Cuddles. However, a major difference between the Pembroke and the Cardigan is that the Pembroke does not have a tail.

The adult male height is 10" to 12" with the female being slightly smaller. The adult male weight is approximately 25 pounds with the female being slightly lighter.

Some Corgis, as with our little girl Cuddles, are born with longer hair than the guys in our pictures here. People who are familiar with the breed call these "long hair" or "fluffy" Corgis.

The Corgi is very likely descended from several breeds including: Keeshound, Pomeranian, Schipperkes, and Swedish Vallhund.

As you may have guessed, the Corgi breed originated across the pond in the area that we now call the United Kingdom.

The Cardigan is the older of the two Corgi varieties. The Cardigan, is believed by some to have originated with the Celts as early as 1200 BC. The Pembroke is believed to have originated with a group of Flemish folks who were employed as weavers to the Celts. This probably occurred in the 1100s BC. For those of you who attended public school within the past 10 years,  1100 BC is later than 1200 BC (it is beyond the scope of this post to explain this but, just trust me :) )

Corgis are part of the classification of working dogs that we call herding dogs. They were likely first brought to the USA in the early twentieth century (AD). They were used for driving cattle. They were also used for hunting small game and for guarding livestock.

The Corgi is especially well suited for livestock herding due to its relatively low stature. It can nip at the heels of the livestock and easily roll out of the way to avoid being stepped upon.

These guys are very loyal dogs. They can be pretty intelligent as well. They are very protective of their people. Believe it or not they make pretty good watch dogs as well. Our little Cuddles lets us know whenever any intruder is anywhere near the property here at the Dog Trainer Shack. She is also very protective of The Lovely Shane!

The Corgi is very prone to unwanted guarding behavior as well. Cuddles, for instance, tends to guard her food bowl ( a habit we are working to break in her). They tend to naturally, perhaps even instinctually , be wary of strangers. For this reason. it is important that they be properly socialized at a very early age!

The Corgi, as is the case with most dogs from the herding groups, tends to try to herd people. They will nip at your heels, etc. in an effort to move you along. For this reason, it is very important that obedience training begin early. The Corgi needs to see the human as being in charge. This needs to be taught, through proper positive reinforcement training methods, at as early an age as possible.

It is important that the Corgi get plenty of exercise. Because it is naturally a herding dog, this is very important. The Corgi will not be happy of he is not exercised properly.  I strongly encourage Corgi owners to walk their dogs at least once a day using proper loose leash walking technique. It is important that the Corgi knows that the person is in control of the walk and not vice versa.

My experience with this breed is that they can be easy to train if the training begins early. It is always important, with any dog, that training be consistent and routine. This is even more important with the Corgi than some other breeds. They really need the structure. These guys are generally eager to learn. They can also be very strong willed (however, this varies from dog to dog).

Corgis are generally good with other dogs. However, they do not like other dogs invading what they perceive as their space. I have also found that, particularly in Cuddles case, and generally with most other Corgis, they get along best with dogs their size or smaller.

Cuddles gets along well with Cody the Little Beagle and Penny the Tiny Beagle but, she does not get along as well with Copper the Whopper Beagle. The Lovely Shane and I really believe that this is because of Coppers size. Penny and Cody are both a little smaller than Cuddles. Copper is a little larger than Cuddles. Cuddles will bark at Copper when he gets to close to her food dish or just generally too close to her. Often Copper barks back and I have to intervene to get them to be quiet. We are working on this and it is getting better but, it never happens with Cody or Penny.

So, in summary, the Corgi is a very loyal dog. They are generally good with their own people but tend to be wary of new people. They are generally good with other dogs of their size or smaller. They are very protective of their people. They require a lot of exercise but because of their small size they can be a viable consideration for apartment dwellers.

If you are looking for a new member of your pack the Corgi may be a good choice if you can devote the time needed for training and exercise. They can be very sweet and loyal little guys and girls!

As always, if you are looking for a new member for your pack, please, please consider adoption! There are may sweet little guys and girls (some of them Corgis or Corgi mixes) who desperately need good forever homes!

Please understand, I am not necessarily against breeders. There are some great ones out there. I will not be mad at you if you patronize a good breeder. I simply ask that you consider adoption first. By the way, I always offer discounted training services for adopted dogs and their new people!

If you are considering adoption and need the names of local rescue groups please contact me and I will be happy to get you together with someone who will be happy to help you find the perfect dog for your pack!

Please also contact me with your training needs or with any dog related questions or concerns!

Till Next Time


William Moore
William Moore Canine Training

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Dog Training Care

Useful Tips
If you have a puppy that pees on your carpet. After soaking up most of the mess with paper towel, sprinkle a generous amount of bicarbontae of soda (baking soda) over the area and leave it to absorb both the traces of urine and the odor.

Do not leave your dog unattended on a choke chain. The chain could get caught and strangle the dog.

To keep your dog busy, buy toys with little holes in them (such as a Kong), put both big and small pieces of kibble in the toy and give it to your dog. This will keep him busy for quite awhile presuming he has a few small ones that he gets out quickly. You can also wedge dog biscuits in the holes with a smear of peanut butter.

When your dog is teething, instead of have him chewing on couches, walls etc. Buy a few (cheap) wash clothes. Soak the wash cloth and put it ion the freezer. When fully frozen give it to the dog to chew, it will thaw out so have another one ready in the freezer. (be careful when doing this with very small dogs, as they may get a chill. I have heard of small dogs getting too cold too quickly when chewing on ice.)

If your dog runs away from you and you finally catch up to it, no matter how angry you are at the dog, do not yell or smack it or your dog will never come to you when called for fear of being punished.

Dog Traing Care
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To have success in dog training tricks

It is very common in households around the world to incorporate dogs and other domestic animals into the family home. Puppies, like most baby animals, have mischievous streaks. Read on for some ideas on training your dog.

To have success in dog training, you need to be able to control it with commands. Put yourself in an authoritative position, so that your dog knows to obey you. For example, when you walk your dog you must be in front and you should insist your dog follows behind you.

 Have your dog learn to just hold one of his toys in his mouth, instead of chewing on it immediately. Every time he does it, give him a snack and use the clicker. After your dog succeeds in mouthing an object a few times, move on to rewarding the dog for picking it up with his mouth. When he does respond, click and provide a reward. Also, rewards should only be given if the toy remains in the dogs mouth.

 If your dog has separation anxiety, its important that it learns to connect with more than one person. The dogs relationships to other people serve to dilute its unhealthy level of dependence and fixation on you that causes it so much grief.

 To ensure your training sticks, everyone in your household needs to treat your dog the same way you do and use the same training methods. Consistent methods is your best bet to get your dog to remember something. If teaching methods between people differs, it is easy for your dog to get confused.

 Give your puppy some toys to chew on so they do not hurt while teething, keep other things they might want to chew on out of their reach! Give it one of his toys instead. A wet frozen washcloth is great for a puppy, who has teething pain, to chew on.

 When training your dog never punish him; doing so will only make him be resistant to any further training. You should make every effort to prevent the behavior in the first place, but if your pet does misbehave, show him what he should have done instead. You should make training a time to interact with your dog, you want to build a positive relationship with him.

 Dogs tend to concentrate on one thing to the exclusion of everything else unless that concentration is interrupted. With enough training, you will have your dog focusing solely on your signals.

 If your dog suddenly starts misbehaving out of the blue, it is best to bring him to the vet so any health problems can be ruled out. Your dog might be acting out because he is suffering. Since they cannot tell us what is wrong, this is their way of letting us know that they need extra attention.

 Consistency is key during your training sessions. Pick a single word or gesture for each command, action or behavior and use it exclusively. Dogs are able to associate repeated words or actions with the requested response. Consistency is essential to training. Establish a short list of vocabulary associated with communicating with your dog.

 Using wee-wee pads is actually counter productive when you are potty training your new puppy. The problem with the wee-wee pads is that they leak and leave enzymes from urine and feces behind. Potty pads can also mislead your dog into thinking that similarly shaped items throughout your home, like rugs, are appropriate places to go. The best option is to toilet train your dog outdoors.

 Any introductions to new animals should be made very slowly. Give your own pet great consideration before bringing another animal into the house. You can boost bonding efforts by getting a new pet that has a complimentary personality to your own.

 Try not to take your sACtress out on your dog by yelling at it because of your bad day or bad mood. Unless your dog has done something that warrants scolding, you should always take on a positive tone during your interactions.

 Make sure that your dog has enough sleeping space, especially when the dog is a big one that likes to sprawl. Think about getting your dog an actual dog bed that fits its larger size; crib mattresses work great, too. There are several advantages to doing this since you are able to change the cover with frequency and ease when using fitted sheets. This is also good because mattresses for cribs are waterproof.

 Your dog needs to get plenty of exercise. Dogs can get bored very easily. Dogs that lose interest are hard to train. Dogs are more inclined to obey when they are regularly taken out for exercise and happily accepted as a member of your family. It is a great idea to take your dog out on runs or walks through the neighborhood.

 Be sure to have your dog spayed or neutered at six months. You should do this at the same time you first take the dog to obedience training. A dog that has been spayed or neutered will be a more obedient dog. By spaying or neutering a dog he will have a longer happier life.

 Its important to include your family when training your dog. The house rules and specific expectations will be more apparent to the new dog if everyone, not just the primary trainer, follows the same training procedures.

 You do not want to use wee-wee pads when potty training your dog. The problem with the wee-wee pads is that they leak and leave enzymes from urine and feces behind. Potty pads can also mislead your dog into thinking that similarly shaped items throughout your home, like rugs, are appropriate places to go. Teaching your dog the appropriate place to go from the start is always the more practical idea.

 Try not to use wee-wee pads as a tool in potty training your day. The problem with the wee-wee pads is that they leak and leave enzymes from urine and feces behind. The pads may also confuse the dog because of their shape. It could cause the dog to think that a bathroom mat or welcome mat is a place to go potty. The best option is to toilet train your dog outdoors.

 A clicker works well when training most dogs. Using a clicker is as simple as showing your dog that good things happen when the clicking noise is heard. Try using this technique right away, doing it frequently over a span of a few days. Your dog will soon know that the clicking noise means that they are doing a good job.

 By following these tips, you should have a better understanding of how to train your dog. Putting these tips into action while training your pup can help the two of you forge a wonderful ongoing relationship..
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How you can Quit Dog Aggression


If you want to know how you can quit dog aggression permit  begin by asking  2 ornate inquiries! First of all do YOU start the aggression with your dog merely joining in?

Secondly does your pet hear you merely prior to it behaves the means it does when you attempt reveal it one more way to behave?
The response will of course be the following:.
At the point your dog begins to become aggressive he is taking no notification in any way of you.
He is making his very own choices and will certainly not listen to you if you attempt to reveal him a different method to behave. Exactly what he is doing is just also essential to him and is the right point to do. Dog aggression is nearly always performed in order to shield, their pack and their own lives.
To start with there is naturally a whole assortment of various kinds of aggressiveness from dominant to frightened and every little thing between. Then there is hostility that occurs the whole time and other aggressiveness, which is extremely irregular, and random depending upon a number of varying factors. We can additionally consider exactly what your pet is hostile to; it could be individuals, animals, various other canines or things.
The way to quit dog aggression however is significantly the exact same, or at the very least the cause of the trouble is the same. Your pet dog believes that it is the pack leader, ends up being afraid and strikes to shield, you and himself. Leading canines will be more proactive, often attacking when they still have the alternative of escaping, scared canines will only attack if they have no location to run. All the various other elements diminish into insignificance as compared to this.
The most essential idea to comprehend if you want to understand how you can quit dog aggression is that your pet dog needs to first look to you as the pack leader in the residence. (This is the best place to persuade him you are the decision maker.) Simply then can you convince him that you are the pack leader on the stroll. There are some great video clip sites now that show you precisely how you can end up being the pack leader.
The moment you have actually convinced your canine that you are the pack leader outside then upon reaching the factor where he typically is threatening you will locate that he will in fact start to pay attention to just how you are behaving! If you arent then your canine will probably remain to disregard exactly what you are doing at this factor permanently.
Merely bear in mind, pets are pack animals and they adhere to the pack leader.
One of the best examples of a professional dog trainer placing this all into technique is The Online Dog Trainer. The site has live videos of this technique being demonstrated and describes precisely how to quit dog aggression by simply encouraging your dog that you are the pack leader.For more information visit Easy online Puppy Dog Training

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Christmas is Coming

From a very talented group of European dog owners.  Its a great video, every time I see it:

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Technical Difficulties and Brody the Havanese

The good news is that the dog training is going well.  The bad news is that the video Im trying to take of said dog training is not cooperating.  Youd think with multiple digital cameras (all with video recording capability and one with HD video), a phone (also with HD video, of course) and an actual video camera, something in my house would be able to capture the wondrous moments of my little board & train, Brody, learning to target.  But the problem, Im finding, is that these video-recording devices want to be smarter than me.  Maybe they are.  At any rate, I am now waiting for my sons camera battery to charge (no, I dont want to hear about how I am using my five-year-olds camera to make a professional training video for my company).  Once that has completed I should be good to go and can resume working on Brodys target training.

You havent met Brody yet.  He is a very sweet 5 1/2 year old Havanese who has an unfortunate habit of reacting (boldly and loudly) to other dogs when he is on a leash.  Hes a good example of how one or two incidents can dramatically impact a dog - Brody has been attacked by another dog and has now taken on the attitude of "Im gonna get you before you can get me!" 

On leash reactivity is a frustrating problem for many owners.  Their dog, who might be fine when meeting other dogs in a different situation, will turn into a little furry lunatic when faced with the scary prospect of seeing something that might hurt them (strange dog) when they are trapped, unable to escape (leash). 

Scared is an important part of the equation to remember.  To some owners it can be very difficult to imagine that their dog is acting out of fear.  The other dog may be posing no real threat, but reality is in the eye of the beholder.  When your dog initiates the altercation, barking and carrying on in a "Come on, you want a piece of me?!!? Bark! Bark! Growl.  Ill kick your butt!!! Bark! Bark!" fashion, how could he be afraid?  The answer, we think, is that the dog is acting in a manner that he believes will scare off the other dog, thus avoiding an actual fight. 

In many cases, without realising it, we are allowing this flawed presumption to be reinforced.  Any time the other dog leaves when your dog is reacting (even if they were just heading in the other direction any way), your dog gets to think, "Hey, all that carrying on worked!  I didnt get attacked and the other dog is leaving.  I guess Ill try that next time too."

So what do you do to prevent this very embarrassing and highly stressful situation from reoccurring every time you cross paths with another dog?  I do suggest getting professional help, as this can be a potentially dangerous situation, and your dog is showing pretty clearly that all is not right with their world.  But here are a few things you can do to keep things under control until a trainer gets you working on a specific behavior modification plan.

  1. Dont add more negative to an already scary situation.  Its likely that your dog is truly afraid and isnt displaying this unruly behavior just to irk you (dogs may poop on your rug or chew up your new shoes, but they are not capable of being vindictive - that charming trait is reserved for homo sapiens).  Correcting or punishing your dog only makes things worse, even if it appears to have a positive effect in the beginning.  Leash popping, poking, "pssting" or "alpha rolling" are unacceptable responses and are more likely to get you bit than they are to solve the problem.  Just because its on TV doesnt make it true.
  2. Dont reinforce the behavior either.  Rewarding your dog, either intentionally or unintentionally gives your dog positive feedback for a reaction we dont want to continue.  Stroking him and "reassuring" him with "its okay puppy, youre alright, youre my good boy" acts as reinforcement.  In addition, the more you fuss over the situation the more likely you are to send the message to your dog that something really is wrong - look how worked up Mom is getting!
  3. Stay below your dogs threshold whenever possible.  Threshold is a complex thing, but its more or less the point at which your dog feels the need to react.  Going above your dogs threshold means hell probably start barking, growling, lunging or exhibiting other "bad" behavior.  Threshold is not a static thing - it can be influenced by distance, intensity, size, gender, direction and many other factors.  Keeping your dog below threshold may simply be a matter of crossing the street when you see another dog approaching or walking your dog at a time of day that isnt as busy.
  4. Turn and walk the other way.  Remember the part about your dog thinking that his behavior chased the other dog away?  While it probably wont solve your dogs issues alone, it doesnt hurt to try to have your dog "leave" rather than letting him feel that all the barking and ugly behavior caused the other dog to go away.  If your dog does go over threshold and reacts to a dog he sees, do your best to get him turned around so you are the one that walks away.
Addressing a behavior problem like on-leash reactivity is usually a matter of combining management and behavior modification.  The right mixture will keep your dog (and those he encounters) safe during the training process, and allows the behavior modification to be as effective as possible.  There are good techniques available to counter reactivity, and Brody is getting the full experience.  Hopefully hell continue to learn quickly, soaking up everything he needs to have him feel more comfortable around other dogs when he goes out for a walk.  His owners enjoy traveling in their RV with him, so its important for everyone.

Are there things that your dog reacts to, either on leash or off?  Other dogs, new people or children?  The evil dog-hunting vacuum cleaner?

Ethan and Brody

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Jumat, 29 April 2016

Getting a puppy for Christmas

This is a campaign that dogster ran in 2012.

A couple of years ago, I wrote a post here detailing why dogs should not be given as gifts.

Having a dog in your home is a serious responsibility and I still believe that it should not be taken lightly.

I was surprised recently when I saw an article on recently titled "It’s OK to Get a Puppy for Christmas If You Agree to Do These 30 Things". I thought that perhaps my long time colleague, Annie Phenix was kidding. Especially since last year she wrote and article titled,"What Not to Give This Year for Christmas: Puppies!",  Both articles are spot on!

I suppose the point that Annie is trying to make is that you must consider that is required when you bring a dog into your home. That cute little pup will grow up. The person who owns a dog makes a commitment to care for the dog for the dogs entire lifetime.

There is great information in the two articles that Annie wrote. My earlier blog post also has some good information about what is required of dog owners.

Also, if you are considering bringing a dog into your home I suggest that you read my book, "Parents Manual for Adopted Dogs". The book will help you to welcome the dog into your home.

Remember that training is also a commitment that you have to make to a new dog. As a professional dog trainer, I do not train dogs. I train people in the proper techniques to use with their dogs. Training the dog requires a commitment from the owner. Polite Dogs = Happy People is my motto when it comes to dog training. However, to get a polite dog, the owner must work with the dog! I can show a dog owner the proper technique but, the owner must apply the techniques in a consistent manner.

If you are considering welcoming a new dog into your home or if you want to teach the dog that you already have in your home to be a Polite little guy or girl, please contact me!

Till Next Time


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Train Your Dog Effectively

When you decide its time to train your dog, its very common to be a bit lost. Good dog-training skills come naturally to very few people. In order to train your pet properly, preparing yourself with some good advice is an excellent idea. This article contains good guidelines for several different aspects of dog training.

Everyone should treat your dog in the same way so as not to confuse him. Consistency is the best way to get your dog trained quickly. If people who are involved with the dog each have different methods of treating the dog, it will become confused.

 When you can learn what will motivate your dog, you will have more success in your training. Spend some time to learn what all about your dog - what will work for him, what he likes, and which training techniques will be a waste of time. Offer your dog a lot of positive reinforcement and an array of training techniques. When the dog is happy, he will want to perform better.

 As with most things, and this goes with dog training as well, dont ever give up. Your dog will not remember his training if you are not there to constantly remind him of what you expect. In the same way that nourishing your dog with food and a safe place to live is a daily commitment, so is teaching and encouraging good behavior.

 Make sure the whole family is familiar with your dogs routine and rules. Dogs like routine and consistency. If one person trains a dog differently, then the dog will be confused about how it should properly behave.

 Stop your puppy immediately if he is chewing on something he shouldnt. This will help your puppy to learn what things he is allowed to chew and what he is not. He will then be less likely to chew on your belongings and instead will turn to his toys when he wants to chew.

 Use treats your dog really loves to achieve maximum training efficiency. This might be an extra-special treat that your dog does not ordinarily have the opportunity to enjoy.

 You need to let your dog be a dog, so give him some time to burn off that energy. Your dog requires a healthy diet, room to exercise, and plenty of activities and toys to keep him or her busy.

 Dont let your dog make the decisions as to when to pay attention. If you dont feel like making time or having enough energy to give the dog a command, dont do it.

 You can train most forms of anxiety out of your dog. Non stop barking and the destruction of your house while youre away occurs when your dog has separation anxiety. You can train this behavior out of your dog, and teach him the proper activities for when you are not home. Allay his fears and apprehensions by showering him with compassionate affection.

 Your dog needs to be mentally stimulated just like a human does. Visit your local pet shop for new and entertaining toys for your dog on a regular basis. If you neglect your dog, your dog wont neglect to chew up your valuable possessions.

 Do not give your dog any punishments when you are in the process of training. Try to prevent bad behavior, but if it does happen, show your dog what he should have done. Training is about teaching your dog, and building a good relationship with him.

 Understand when you cant handle your dog on your own, and use that knowledge to know when you need to call in a professional to help you. Training you dog can be tough, and sometimes you need a dog trainer if your dog is too hard to handle. Your trainer will pinpoint the problem areas and point you in the right direction.

 Determine in advance what types of food your dog likes so that you can use it in the training process. Your dog will be more likely to respond to your training efforts when the food reward is something he likes. Pay close attention to his response after you offer a reward.

 Challenge your dog frequently. Give him "quizzes" to make sure he still knows his stuff, even if you both know he does.

 There are many different approaches that can be used to crate train a new puppy. Many dogs are intimidated by the crate. To cure this, place something they enjoy in it and shut the door. If a dog sees something in the crate that they want, they will desire to enter it. Praise your dog once he gets into the crate.

 If your puppy is caught chewing on something unacceptable, stop him immediately. This helps teach them that they cannot chew on some things and can help them leave your belongs alone when youre not watching.

 Use dog treats that are tasty for your dog, and are of high value in order to obtain great results. Since these treats will be handed out sparingly, it should not matter too much if they are usually off limit items.

 When looking at dog trainers, do a lot of research. Check user reviews on the Internet and learn their training methods. Make sure that the specialist has ideas in line with yours.

 A clicker works well when training most dogs. Using a clicker is as simple as showing your dog that good things happen when the clicking noise is heard. Try using this technique right away, doing it frequently over a span of a few days. Your dog will soon know that the clicking noise means that they are doing a good job.

 You need to understand the way your dog thinks and reacts before you can really comprehend why they are doing certain things. If your dog doesnt understand you, then how can he learn from you? One can provide your dog with better training now that one knows more about their dog..
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Dog care supplies do not have to be expensive to be effective

The Lovely Shane and I had the opportunity, yesterday, to attend a fund raiser flea market/yard sale for one of our local heroes of dog rescue, Bully Wag. We found some really good buys there and helped support these most innocent of Gods creatures. We also had some of the best barbecue I have eaten in a long time. Michelle does a really good barbecue so, next time they have a fund raiser, my advice would be do not miss the barbecue!

Well, while we there, The Lovely Shane spotted a really nice looking huge basket. We bought the basket and put some old pillows and a blanket in it and it makes the perfect size bed for little Cody. We spent much less than half the price of a similar size dog bed at Petco or Petsmart. And this bed is unique. We think it is cool anyhow :). When Cody first joined our pack, he did not have his very own bed. Copper and Cuddles were very nice about letting him sleep on theirs and we put some old pillows on the floor for him too. Cody has absolutely fallen in love with this new bed!

The point of this post is to encourage you to be creative when it comes to things like bedding. This stuff is really expensive if you buy it at the Pet Stores. As you can see, little Cody is just as comfortable, or perhaps even more comfortable on his new yard sale bed as he would have been in the pricier model.

Another example is that there are many types of travelling water containers you can get for your pup on the go. Some of these are very good and not all that expensive. However, many times when Copper and I are out together, I get him a disposable Styrofoam cup. I put his name on it with a marker and he loves to drink from it while I hold it. During the short time that I used him as a demo dog at Petco, he had his own cup in the break room next to mine. This is not an appropriate solution for all outings with your dog but it works very well for Copper and I most of the time and he loves it!

The Lovely Shane made this sign for my radio station ( Ham Shack) the other day. I am not sure how effective it is because I have yet to figure out how to teach our pack to read. However, we think it is pretty cool. The Lovely Shane points out that it may be effective because the pack never barks while I am transmitting :). The cost of this really cool sign was nothing but the paper, ink and electricity required to produce it , and my unending gratitude to the Lovely Shane, of course :) . By the way, I picked up the really cool big white monitor on my radio station from the Bully Wag Yard Sale. Got a great deal on it too! Now I can see those little numbers on the radio control software much better now. I am not getting any younger, you know .

Another money saving idea is the one I mentioned in an earlier post on giving your dog a pill. You can use cheese instead of pill pockets and save a great deal of money. An extra added bonus is that you can have a treat with the pack :).

I am not suggesting that there are not significant costs associated with caring for a dog. I am simply encouraging you to be creative. There are many ways to save money if your think outside the box, so to speak.

Till Next Time


William Moore
William Moore Canine Training

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Obedience Training For Dogs Is Not Difficult And Exciting


Training your dog ought to be a pleasant, satisfying procedure - for you and your animal! Dog training is not really an issue that comes normally to each and every pet owner, however. By no means fear! Just a little suggestions can significantly help towards making the courses method fun and headache-free. Keep reading to discover some helpful tricks to accept the uncertainty away from dog training.

Make use of pets brand whenever you want to obtain his interest. Try to do this at least ten times every day, rather than phone the family pet for your needs by brand to penalize him. This will help to achieve greater control of your furry friend and establish a robust connection.

Puppy training should be viewed as a type of personal handle. If youre struggling to control your self, youll in no way control your pet. Stroll away from your pet, as an alternative to allowing him see an upset outburst, and keep calm even though his behavior is not stellar. Your puppy will respond in the good lighting if he watches one does a similar.

Instruction your pet to walk on steer needs time. The concept is usually to have your pet stroll obediently beside you with out straining, tugging, and pulling back and forth. Appropriate your dogs movements with short snaps of the steer that move sharply and suddenly rear in opposition to his momentum. He will cease yanking and go walking complacently for some time alongside you. During this period loosen the direct however when he draws yet again click the steer yet again.

Whenever your pet is 7 to 12 months older this is referred to as the "worry-mark period. When your pup encounters injury at this time, he may hold the fear linked to this trauma for the remainder of his existence. As a result, your puppys earlier months should include human being speak to, and contact with many other animals. It also need to be an optimistic experience for him, with little punishing, if any by any means.

Should your or else properly-behaved and housebroken canine begins showing poor behaviours, including urinating in the house, accept it to a vet to eliminate any medical problems. A lot of health problems can cause a pet dog to act out. Dont reprimand your ill pet for showing you that it is unwell assist it.

Set-up a solid arrange for what you want to perform with your proper dog training. For those who have goals noted on your calendar it can give you a way to determine your improvement with the training your dog, and provide you tips about regardless of whether you would need to modify something in your program.

After your pet dog workout is done, finish off with a control that you know your pet dog presently is capable of doing. This gives your dogs subconscious to remember that it offers done the times instruction, and can also help your dog to keep the information it provides figured out in the workout. Additionally, it will assist maintain the schedule.

If you have your dog with splitting up stress and anxiety, you can coach him out of this nervousness by varying your routine. In the event you behave like youre leaving behind the house, however dont or store your jacket in a vehicle instead of the cabinet, you may bust the period of measures, that get the dog hyped track of anxiety to start with.

When instruction a dog which is not housebroken it is very important restrict the canines a chance to wander around the house. By keeping the dog generally with the owner it cuts down on enough time it has to proceed to the washroom in the home. Your dog will never wish to go by the homeowner and should hold it till enable exterior.

dog-training photo:gun dog training

To coach your dog to stop begging for man food items, you ought to entirely overlook him when you are consuming. Should you pay attention to him, he will think he has a chance of obtaining your food, and so he will never end pleading. In the event you dismiss him during your mealtime, he will quickly find out that pleading is useless and prevent.

A well-skilled puppy is actually a delight to possess and a life time companion. Every loving pet proprietor understands that the obligation of training their puppy brings a great deal of potential positive aspects. There is not any cause not to seek out support to get the most from instruction your pet dog. Setting up an efficient, enjoyable training course will make you and your animal that much more happy with each other.

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The snow starts at the Dog Training Foster Shack

Dr. Phil Mc Beagle  bravely fights the
winter weather to explore the many wonders
of the back yard. He chased a pesky squirrel away!
Cody with his favorite blanket getting love from Mommy.
Well, the snow is beginning to accumulate this afternoon at the Dog Training/Foster shack. The whole pack is happy that the Lovely and Awesome Shane made it home safely from work today! The roads are really slick here in north Fayette County, Georgia.  This is quite an event for us here in North and Central Georgia! It is actually pretty dangerous. I grew up in this area. Our winter frozen precipitation is much different than it is up in the northern parts of the USA. It is more dangerous because we do not have the snow removal gear that you folks up north have. It is also typically a different sort of mix than I used to see when I traveled up north on business.
Dog Training/Foster Shack 
There is generally more ice than snow on the roads here. It is really slick. I used to drive on the roads in snow and ice when I traveled to places like Minnesota, Iowa, South Dakota, Colorado, Chicago, etc. However, I stay off the roads as much as possible here during snow and ice!

Trigger in the snowy backyard.
The dogs here have thus far had mixed reactions to this weather. Phil and Trigger love it! They run around and play. Phil even dug out one his outside balls from under the snow and played with it a while. The rest of the pack is not quite as thrilled with this weather. Some of them have ventured out to take care of certain unavoidable bodily functions but they are not playing like Dr. Phil and Trigger.

Those of you in North and Central Georgia, have fun with your dogs in the snow but please be careful. Remember my cautions about your dogs in this cold weather.

Stay inside, stay warm  and have fun!

Till Next Time


William Moore Canine Training
Some of my Ham Radio Antennas. Top is VHF Yagi. Underneath that is loop for Television.
The wire near the bottom is my HF longwire. No ice forming on the elements yet.... I suppose SWR
should be okay for now. Yagi is sort of leaning toward Aunt Maggies house :)

Side Yard at Dog Training/Foster Shack
Looking toward Grandma and Grandpas house from
Dog Training/Foster Shack

The senior pack members on the back porch observing the snow

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Kamis, 28 April 2016

Dog Obedience Training Bad Dog Training Methods


As with anything else, when it comes to dog training there is a right way to do things and a wrong way to do things. Far too often, when people are instructing they do the wrong thing as opposed to the right thing. If they are any good results that come from this, it will be pure luck as opposed any deliberate action. For example, if you were trying to train a young child to play basketball you would assess his strengths and weaknesses. But, again, there is a right way and wrong way to do this. Telling the child that he is clumsy is not going to work. But, heres the thing: the childs problem is that he is clumsy! But, you do not correct problems with coordination by insulting the youngster. The reason is that the child would be more hurt that helped. When it comes to dog training this maxim applies as well.

People assume that when they train a dog if they verbally or physically punish the dog it will learn to behave. Actually, it will not. Instead, the dog will become less inclined to behave. This is because the dog will become fearful or, worse, aggressive when such tactics are employed. What the dog will not become, however, is behaved.

Regarding bad training methods, people understand right away that these are terrible ways to train a dog. After all, who doesnt think excessive punishment is foolish? But, what many people do not understand is that non-action is another horrible training method as well. Some people may be saying that they understand this because anyone who doesnt train a dog is going to guarantee bad habits. But, many of these people also do not realize that non-action also includes inconsistent or infrequent training as well.

To say "I train my dog" and the training includes training one day one week, skipping two weeks, training two days in a row, skipping one week, training three days in a row for fifteen minutes and then skipping another week is not proper dog training. It is an inconsistent and lazy method that will never yield the right results.

That does not mean you train the dog without a break for hours and hours and hours a day. That will be at another abominable dog obedience training method. Yet, there are many people who will all over train a dog despite the obvious lack of results. As a general rule, too much and too little is disastrous as far as training a dog goes.

Did you find this useful? If so, check out: - A leading website on dog training methods.

Dog Training
Obedience Training
Dog Housebreaking
Obedience Training
Puppy Housebreaking
Puppy Housetraining
Puppy Housetraining
Puppy Housetraining
Puppy Housebreaking
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How To Get A Well Trained Dog

Dogs are not as intelligent as humans, therefore they should not be treated as such. The owner will be greatly disappointed with how training goes. Dogs are smart animals, though, and with a little patience and understanding they can be well trained.

Learn alternatives to treats as positive reinforcement when training your dog. You will find that treats do work. However, most people dont carry treats in their pockets 24/7. Learning to give praise or attention in the way of patting and hugging is a great way to reinforce good behavior, and can be a treat replacement.

 It is important to leash-train your dog. This will help keep your dog and you safe when going for walks.

 There are a lot of tricks you can teach your dog to do; a common one is training him to hold a toy in his mouth without chewing it. Whenever he puts the toy in his mouth, give a treat and his clicker reward. After your dog succeeds in mouthing an object a few times, move on to rewarding the dog for picking it up with his mouth. Once he does, click and reward. As he gets even better, only give him a reward for holding the plushie in his mouth for a few seconds.

 Dont play tug of war with your puppy. These, along with chasing and wresting, can encourage them to bite your hands. You will want to put these games off until the dog is older and properly trained not to nip and bite.

 Here are a few ways to make crate training more positive for your dog. If the dog doesnt want to go inside the crate, put a rawhide bone in there and shut the door. A tempting bone will prove too hard to resist, and the dog will be panting to get into the crate in no time. Upon entering the crate, praise your puppy to make sure it knows it did a good job.

 Playing tug-of-war with your puppy when you are working on training him is a bad idea. In addition to tug-of-war, games that involve wresting something away from your puppy or chasing each other in any respect, can entice the animal to bite or nip at your hands. You want to avoid having your puppy become accustomed to this behavior, so it is better to postpone these games until the dog is more mature and fully trained.

 Giving your dog the favorite treat can assist you in training your dog. By giving your dog this food, they will want to follow whatever you teach them. Make sure you pay attention to how he responds when you offer him this reward.

 You need a commanding control if you are starting to train your dog. Your dog will neither obey nor respect you if he believes he is the leader of your household. Never allow your dog pull on the leash while you are on a walk.

 Introductions to new dogs or any other animals should occur slowly and carefully. Consider your pet at home before adopting a new one. In order to maximize bonding, a new pet will need a personality which complements the personality of the pet you already have.

 Try a phrase that you will stick with to train your puppy when you are house breaking him or her. Use the same word or phrase each time you bring him out to go to the bathroom so that he understands what you want him to do and makes a memory link between the phrase and the act.

 While training your dog, make sure both of you are having fun. Taking some time to have fun with your dog makes your dog like you more, which means fewer problems when training him. Having fun with your dog during training is one thing, but playing and having fun with your dog outside of training is also necessary.

 Keeping your dog active is an important part of successful dog training and is also good for their health. Dogs are not made to sit around. The happiest, healthiest dogs run and work. Run with your dog, take it to the park or teach it to play Frisbee. Do not allow your dog to become bored and keep it entertained by keeping it active.

 Obedience classes can help you with any training issues you face. These classes can help deal with various issues such as stopping disruptive barking, not sitting when told, and not listening to you.

 Your dog needs to get plenty of exercise. Dogs can get bored very easily. Dogs that lose interest are hard to train. Dogs are more inclined to obey when they are regularly taken out for exercise and happily accepted as a member of your family. It is a great idea to take your dog out on runs or walks through the neighborhood.

 Prepare your dog early on for veterinary examinations. Touch your dog gently down the sides of his body and tell him he is being good when he does not react. Prepare your dog to accept someone handling his paws or looking at his teeth. Your friends can help out, too.

 If you want to train your dog, avoid playing any sort of control games like tug of war. Aggressive games promote aggressive behaviors, such as biting. Tug-of-war can be played once you have trained your puppy; however, it should not be played before the dog is completely trained.

 Do not let your dog decide when to listen and when not to listen. If the patience to follow through with any command you give is not there, simply choose to not give it instead.

 When training a dog it should always be done in a positive, motivated environment. Remember to reward desired behavior achieved by your dog while training, especially in response to specific requests. Using training techniques that are negative and based upon punishments will likely make your dog afraid, disobedient, and unhappy.

 You can prevent your dog from destroying your home by keeping it outdoors when you are away from the house. When this isnt possible, you want to provide things that both appeal to your dog and that are okay for the dog to chew on. Establishing acceptable chews toys is also about keeping those things you do not want your dog to chew up behind closed doors or well out out of reach.

 Now that the people who are interested in training their new pet dog have, hopefully, learned some new tricks, they can proceed to pass them along to their pets. Once a dog is on its way to learning, the owner will begin to appreciate the dedication that he or she has shown for doing the right thing for mans best friend..
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Rabu, 27 April 2016

Punishment and Corrections


Punishment is the use of an adversary to decrease a chosen behavior. Leash corrections are a type of adversary that are commonly used in traditional dog training. I had to ask myself....why do corrections work? Perhaps they work because they interrupt the behavior. They also work because they let the dog know, in a clear way, that a certain behavior brings negative consequences, the basis of classical conditioning. A dog will be more likely to repeat behaviors that bring about desired outcomes and less likely to repeat behaviors that result in unpleasant or unwanted results. So, then how is it that sometimes punishment doesnt work? I believe it doesnt work because of its ill effects, like the stress it can put on the dog and the negative impact it has on the relationship we have with our dogs. Most punishment doesnt work out well because it is too harsh, badly timed, mis-used in anger or is inconsistent. I believe that there is a way to correctly correct a dog that wont damage it, but would alway recommend using positive methods over punitive. Nertheless, in some cases, especially where the dog is either causing harm or danger to itself or to humans, punishment can clearly be used in a constructive way.

When we watch wolves, the untamed but genetic equivalent to domesticated dogs, we see certain pack behaviors. These are based on instinct as well as learned practices.
Dogs like wolves are very physical in the way they communicate. However, it does not suffice to say you can simply dominate your dog, as an alpha wolf would and solve the problems you are having with your dog. You must first take into consideration that you want a tame and people friendly pet, not a wild animal. Also, you must take into account the individual dog and your relationship with it. A soft, shy or even a newly adopted dog most likely will not have a strong enough bond to you to withstand a correction without a certain amount of negative fall out. If we simply use a few tricks to set up chain of command, physical dominance is never necessary. These are rules, such as humans come first, enter the room first, exit the house first, eat first and get first dibs on the couch. In fact they get access to all resources first and are the keepers of all that is good. Those good things include treats, toys, freedom and lots of affection.

Punishment doesnt mean abuse or physical dominance! It can be an effective adversary to simply withdraw attention or access to something to decrease a desired behaviour. The tricky thing with all types of punishment is that the adversary must be administered immediately and calmly in order to be effective. Regardless, it is always preferable to use positive reinforcement and reward based training systems. In my personal opinion, you should only use "punishment" when the dog clearly understands what is expected of it and that the correction is directly linked to non-compliance. You must use adversaries responsibly and thoughtfully. There are some dogs who can handle and possibly require strong corrections, but that kind of training should be left to seasoned professionals. For most dogs harsh adversaries can be dangerous and detrimental.

In closing I would like to stress that all corrections should only be done properly and calmly in order to decrease a behavior, NOT to "punish" the dog. Punishment is most often practiced in moments of anger and used inconsistently, sometimes after the fact. A dog simply cannot link a correction to something that is not going on simultaneously. It will associate the punishment with what is present at the time of the correction, most likely the handler. People unintentionally create serious fear and aggression issues by using inappropriate correctives. In training, the well being of the dog is the most important thing to keep in mind. Every dog has a different threshold for stimulus and a different temperament. Not all dogs respond equally to punishment. If a correction is not working, then it is not appropriate to simply increase the intensity of the correction. It may be that the dog is confused, or overwhelmed and shutting down. Also, I cannot stress enough the importance of reinforcing good behaviors and providing the dog with an alternative behavior to set it up to win. When you set your dog up to succeed, you both succeed!
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Teaching with Play


Repetitive behaviour becomes learnt behaviour. If you have a dog who gets excited, runs around like crazy, jumps up and wont listen, chances are it learned to be this way because you accidentally encouraged it. When dogs are puppies, its really cute when they jump up and act goofy. Unfortunately, petting a dog or playing rough with it when it jumps up or mouths and allowing it the freedom to run around in an excited state, encourages the dog to continue these bad habits. When teaching dogs appropriate conduct, you must interrupt all unwanted rough play. When deciding how you let your pet to interact, consider how you would ideally like it to behave, since the behaviour it repeats, will become the foundation of its behaviour in the future. Anytime your dog, or puppy instigates rough or inappropriate play, this is an opportunity to interrupt and redirect its energy. You can seize this opportunity to set up the rules for appropriate access to play and freedom. When the dog offers a desirable behaviour, then you can reward it with either a treat, a toy, play or praise. I also give praise for any and all appropriate behaviour, so that it becomes repetitive and learnt!

Dogs learn through trial and error. Puppies learn what works and what doesnt, most of this they learn through play. Of course you want your puppy to experience life and to enjoy itself. Nevertheless, when teaching using play, there has to be rules. Rule number one, only calm or positively focused behaviour earns access to praise, play, toys and treats. Secondly, you the human has ultimate power over these resources. For instance, the dog must relinquish the toy or cease the game on command. If you like to play games like tug or wrestle with your dog, be very sure that you are the one controlling the game. When you say the game is over, the dog must respect that. When you ask it to OUT or DROP the toy, it must do so. A great positive way to establish this is indicate the game of tug or play is over, (either by putting the toy away or with holding it and all contact until the dog settles down) then resume as soon as the offers calm or focus behaviour. Furthermore, I recommend only engaging the dog in a game as long as it is relatively interested, then the game holds value and the dog considers it a reward. You dont have to play with your dog until it is completely exhausted. If the game is over when the dog is tired of it, this only teaches the dog that it is in control of the game. It is good to encourage play, then ask for a sit or a lay down to re-acivate the play again. In doing this you have established that you are the source of fun and learning.

It is also beneficial to incorporate some play time into all training exercises. Making it fun for your dog, will make it fun for you and you are likely to practice and train more regularly, as well as engage your dog for longer periods of time. If you have a fully grown dog, possibly even a rescued dog, it is never too late to establish new rules. You may not even be the person responsible for re-inforcing the bad behaviour it has learned, but you are responsible for the way it learns from here on in. If you interrupt all unwanted behaviour, ceasing play anytime the dog gets too rough or isnt listening, then resume as soon as it demonstrates good manners and calm energy, you can turn a dog around! I cant emphasize enough rewarding ALL calm positively focussed energy with praise, play, toys or treats. Then the dog will more likely offer this type energy in the future. If you praise and treat for all wanted behaviours they will become default behaviours. You can teach even an old dog new tricks!
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Leash Pressure


One of the most common requests I get from dog owners is to help them teach their dog to walk politely on the leash. I dont want to confuse this with heeling, a very formal and complicated thing to teach, which requires a lot more training, patience and time than one might think. Rather I am referring to the dog not pulling its human around on the end of the leash and stopping as soon as it feels pressure on its collar, no matter the length of the leash, even without a command. Unfortunately, for dogs who have rehearsed pulling this can be a difficult thing to learn.

The reason for this is that pulling is a self rewarding behaviour, the more it is practiced, the more rewarding it has become. The dog is simply reacting to a natural resistance reflex. When you pull back on a dog, it wants to pull forward. So how do we stop our already pulling dog from repeating this activity? I suggest switching the dog onto a harness to manage the pulling and training with a new collar, one with action. Active collars tighten evenly around the dogs neck when they pull and release as soon as the pulling ceases. The idea of a martingale or choke collar is not appealing to some people, but an active slip or an active collar is often the only way to get a dog who is already used to pulling on a flat collar to give to leash pressure. Snug fitting martingale collars are often active enough to train more sensitive dogs, but more resistant dogs will be more likely to need a choke collar or a slip collar.

To begin with, if your dog is pulling all the time, you wont get it to stop dragging you around by just changing its collar. You must manage the behaviour on walks with a halter or front clip harness and teach the dog about the collar and how to turn off leash pressure as a separate thing. This training on the new collar must not be done while walking the pulling dog. You begin teaching leash pressure somewhere familiar, like in the house, with treats in hand, to ease the stress. You want to set the dog up to succeed. The point is to teach the dog the skill of turning off pressure without any other variables at play. These training sessions should be short and sweet until the dog gets the idea that pressure from the collar means back up or stop pulling. Eventually, you can transition to walking the dog on the collar, but to start with you need to work on this as a completely different sessions than the daily walks.

I like to put a properly fit slip or martingale collar on my dog ten minutes before I use it, so the dog doesnt associate the stress of learning this exercise with the new collar. If you dont know how to fit a collar properly, it should be snug and fit high on the smallest part of the dogs neck. Looser collars are not "nicer", they are just less accurate timing wise, there is a delay on the pressure release and they require more muscle to be effective. The dog may scratch at or be aware of the collar at first, but if you put it on well ahead of time they will get used to it before you begin the conditioning process. To begin the conditioning session, simply attach the leash to the collar and pull the dog forward, leash parallel to the floor and level with the dogs shoulders. The dog will probably resist, at the point in which it takes a motion or step forward, drop all tension on the leash and verbally reward the dog. Dont give it treats immediately...wait a few seconds before food rewards. Then repeat the exercise. The treats are just for reducing stress if the dog starts to shut down and to help break up the drill. The dog wont want to keep working if every time it shuts off the pressure by giving to the leash you immediately go right back to pressuring it again. So use the treats and praise to break up the process.

Next you want to teach the dog to move with the leash in other directions. To teach the dog to go to one side or the other, pull on the leash, parallel to the floor at the level of the dogs shoulders, toward one side, right or left past you. As you did with the forward pull, as soon as the dog moves in the direction you are pulling drop all tension and verbally reward the dog. If you are using treats, give the dog a treat after a few seconds to ease the tension. The dog should move a bit easier now that it is beginning to get the hang of it. If not, do not back down...keep the leash short in your hand and keep the pressure steady until the dog gives to it. If you let go, the dog will learn that if it resists pressure it can shut it off, the opposite of what we want. Repeat this on both sides so the dog is moving to the right across you and also to the left across the front of you. Remember to break the stress up with praise and even some treats if the dog is shutting down, however, dont use any obedience commands during this learning phase. This type of stress can be hard on some dogs and we dont want to colour it with any other variables. We are just concerned with the dogs giving to leash pressure outside any other activity or situation.

Finally, you want to teach the dog to back off the leash. You want the dog to feel the pressure from behind and stop or back up as soon as it feels you pulling on the leash from behind him. This is what will help us teach the dog to NOT PULL. So stand beside the dog, on whatever side you walk it on and line the leash up behind its head, parallel to the floor at the height of its shoulders and pull back along its spine, steady and slow. You must have the leash short, so only your arm moves. You must not pull up or the dog will most likely sit. You want the dog to back soon as it does, even an inch, release all pressure. If the dog is used to pulling, this will be challenging, but dont give in! You need the dog to give to the leash, even if you just feel it stop resisting, that might be enough to reward. You can work on this for a few repetitions and then shelve it for the day. I stress, keep your sessions short and do them daily for few days if the dog isnt giving readily at first. Then go out and have some fun with your dog...make sure if you are going to walk him, do it on a harness, or even a haltie, but keep the collar on for a while after training. Keep in mind not to switch to the collar for walks right away because you have just taught him to give to leash pressure, dont undo your work by rehearsing pulling right after.

Now that you have introduced your dog to the idea of giving to leash pressure, it is time to put it to use. To begin with, just attach the leash to the active collar and work it in the house without distractions. Remember we want to set the dog up to succeed. You can just use a treat to lure and treat your dog into a desirable position, on your left or right, your choice and take a few steps. If the dog gets ahead of you, stop dead in your tracks, lean back and become a post. When the dog stops pulling, release the tension and praise the dog. Call him to you and give him a treat. We dont want there to be extended pressure on the collar, so dont pull your dog to you. Encourage your dog to come to you, rather than correcting the dog for pulling and making him associate coming with something negative. I would recommend keeping training to a couple short sessions a day until you can get the dog to give easily to pressure and recall in the house or back yard with success. Then you are ready to take it out into the world. Dont be in a rush, you only want to do a block of this at a time and build up to durations. As a management tool, use the harness or haltie and practice calling your dog to you for treats or a bit of play while out on walks. Walks and training will be separate at this point, but dont let the dog rehearse bad behaviour on walks either. Just try and get the dog to stop excessive pulling by calling it back to you and rewarding it with treats for not pulling. The most important thing is that if it is pulling it isnt doing it on the training collar and becoming resistant to the feel of the pressure.

Although, positive punishment (like leash a correction) is sometimes necessary, we can use positive reinforcement, toys, treats, playing and other reinforcement to get the dogs to do most what we want them to do. I read recently that corrections make some dogs crazier. It is true in certain cases. I have seen corrections used intentionally to frustrate a dog to make him more excited and intense. The fact is, in the case of highly motivated dogs restraint and physical pain actually lead to more frustration and the heightening or the building of the behavior that most people do not want! People think that strong leash corrections will actually stop a behavior, but constant leash pressure and ill timed leash corrections are actually a form of restraint. Restraining a dog bred for sport or protection dog is actually how trained professionals get the dog to commit more to an object to want something more. This is how they get police dogs and hunting dogs to want an item more...not less. So if you want your dog to stop pulling, teach it to give to leash pressure as a separate skill and then incorporate that skill into your daily walks bit by bit. Eventually, with consistency and patience you can get your dog to be polite on leash.

A work of caution, dont use the heel command with this type of training, as it wont lend itself to formal heeling. The point is to teach the dog leash manners. To begin heeling work is an entirely different approach, of which giving to leash pressure is only one component. If you have the dog understanding how to back off the leash, you may one day want to teach it to heel. So dont pollute or poison that command or you wont have it at your disposal in the future.

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Dog Training Everything You Need to Know!


Numerous individuals believe that dog training is hard. The truth of the matter is this: all pet dogs are trainable, and practicing a canine does not have to be difficult work. What we venture to explore then, are some of the things you need to do, in order to get the training of your dog.
dog training

Specifications for evaluating success

If you handle to pass on the crucial pet dog abilities to your pooch within a sensible quantity of time, youll be considered to have actually gotten the training of your pet dog right.

If you manage to the important dog abilities in an enduring way, youll further be considered to have gotten the training of your dog right. This is to say, simply puts, that you wont be regarded as having actually been really effective in training your dog if the pooch forgets the skills instructed within a day.

Hence, in a nutshell, the parameters through which success in dog training can be assessed include:.

- The duration of time expended in passing on the crucial abilities to the pet dog.

- The abilities instilled in the dog.

- Exactly how long the abilities are kept by the pet dog.

Of course, if you are taking too long to pass on specific skills to the dog, if you are finding it impossible to inculcate particular skills in the dog, or if the dog keeps on forgetting skills instructed to him or her, it does not necessarily mean that you arent doing things well. And the second of those is your pet dogs natural capability - versus a background where some pet dog breeds seem to get things faster than others.

Early initiation as a secret to success in the training dogs.

Simply put, there are some skills that you can only instruct to a canine when he or she is young. It is worth keeping in mind that unlike us human beings, pet dogs are (in some means) extremely progressed animals - whose life skills learning procedure begins the moment they are born.

Now the finest time to start training a canine would be when he or she is learning basic life abilities, so that the skills you desire to pass on to him or her are also adopted together with those basic canine life skills. That means, the needed behaviors would be part of the pet dogs character.

It later emerges that a few of the people who wind up getting the impression that their pet dogs are not trainable have the tendency to be folks who make an attempt at instructing their dogs certain abilities too late in the dogs lives. When the dogs fail to pick such abilities, they are labeled boneheads - whereas it is not truly their fault that they are incapable to select the abilities, but rather, the fitness instructors fault for not having actually initiated training earlier.

The right use of rewards and corrections as a key to success in training dogs.

When we get to the nitty-gritty of dog training, it emerges that various skills and behaviors can just be sent and ingrained in canines through the right use of rewards and corrections.

The most significant reward you can provide a pet dog is attention. And alternatively, the most significant correction/punishment you can offer to a canine is deprivation of attention.

Hence, if you want to get you pet dog to select a specific behavior, you need to imitate (or rather show) it to him or her, and then reward them (with focus) when he acts accordingly, whist likewise punishing them (with deprival of focus) when or she fails to behave accordingly. Just looking at the dog lovingly is a method of satisfying them with focus. Cuddling them is another form of focus benefit. Applauding the pooch verbally is yet another way of rewarding them with attention. Real, the canine might not understand the words, but she or he can pick up the feelings behind them. Pet dog appear to have that capability.

If your pet dog was enjoying your focus whilst doing something right and you deprive him or her of that attention the moment he or she begins doing something incorrect, he instantly senses the reaction and makes the connection between his wrongdoing and the starvation of focus. He is inclined to remedy the habits, in order to regain your attention. If the canine you are attempting to train is still young, these things work particularly well.

Exactly what you should not do, nevertheless, is to strike the pet dog as a type of punishment/correction: the easy reason being that the pet dog wont understand that being hit is a type of punishment. Rather, the hit pooch will assume that you are simply being violent to him or her. If the pet dog keeps on doing things like running to the road or messing up next-door neighbors things, you d be better recommended to find methods of limiting his movements, as opposed to striking him.

Patience as a secret to success in the training of dogs.

You will not succeed in dog training unless you are patient. You need to keep it in mind that it takes pet dogs a long time to select ideas that appear too easy to us as human beings. There are individuals who have this misconception that you can just succeed in dog training if you are hard. On the contrary, this is among those undertakings where kindness and the soft technique appear to work much better than the challenging Spartan approach to training.

Determination as a key to success in the training of dogs.

Carefully connected to perseverance (as a key to success in dog training) is persistence. You wont succeed as a dog fitness instructor if you quit too quickly - that is, like where you illustrate a preferred habits to a pet dog, then give up if the pet dog fails to choose it up immediately. The truth of the matter is that you have to illustrate a desire habits to a canine a number of times, whilst utilizing the essential reinforcements, till the canine ultimately comes to learn what is anticipated of him or her.

dog obedience training

Consistency as a secret to success in the training of canines.

This is a scheme where, for instance, having actually picked a certain reinforcement (benefit or penalty), you need to apply it regularly, so that the pet dog under training can comprehend what it actually suggests. Among the worst things you can do in the course of training a dog is to send mixed signals, because as soon as a pet dog gets puzzled, it becomes extremely tough to train them.

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Selasa, 26 April 2016

Copper Cody Cuddles Foster Girl Lovey The Lovely Shane and I wish you a happy and safe labor day !

Mommy spending quality backyard time with the pack (notice
the porch refrigerator is gone... we finally found someone to take
it home!)
I hope that you all have a wonderful labor day! I really appreciate those of you who read this blog and find it useful!

Have a lot of fun with your little guys and girls over this long holiday weekend. Please remember do not leave them unattended in your vehicle. It is really hot this time of year!
Refer to my previous blog post for more information.

Also remember to keep them safe. Keep potentially poisonous food items out of their reach. Refer to my previous blog post for more information.

Ms. Lovey and me (do you like my festive headgear?)

Cute Little Lovey

Now Copper knows how to relax!

Cody enjoying a summer day on freshly
 mowed grass in the backyard.
 If you have any questions about how to relax this weekend, just watch a Beagle. Copper and Cody know how to do it first class!

Lovey is really growing fast! If you want to add a very active member to your pack, please contact me for more information on giving this cute little girl a forever home with you!

If you find that your dogs are less than well behaved and polite this weekend, contact me. Copper and I will be happy to help you work toward having a polite dog!

We always say, "Polite Dogs.... Happy People" so, be happy :).

Mommy  spending couch time
with eldest pack members
Till Next Time


William Moore 
William Moore Canine Training
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